chapter twenty four

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Tzuyu's pov

I woke up and saw myself sleeping next to the sleeping jungkook.
He still haven't woke up
" What do you mean?" Me
" the day you fell unconscious, he couldn't hold it.. he tried to commit suicide.. right now, he is kept in the room beside you as I requested it to be like that.. I'm sorry tzuyu. I couldn't stop him.. I tried my best.." tae oppa.
" Can I see him?" Me
" Doctor said that you should only be laying down or few days since you are still weak so you can't.. I'm sorry" tae oppa
" Don't be sorry.. it's not your fault.. oppa.. can I request you something?" Me
" Yeah.. sure" oppa
" Can me and him be kept on a same room? Can you please ask the doctor?" Me
" Ok.. I will tell the doctor to do it.. "oppa
" Thanks a lot " me
And then, he was brought to the room I was kept. He is still admit and haven't gain conscious.
His bed was kept right beside mine. I looked at him and touched his face. He looked helpless.
" I'm sorry jungkook for not trusting you.. I'm really sorry" me.
Taers ran making my pillow wet.
I should have trusted him. These all wouldn't happen if I did.
*Flashback ends*

" Good morning jungkook.. " me
I turned to another side to see unnie sleeping.
" Noona.. wake up" me
" Oh tzuyu. Good morning" unnie
" Good morning" me
" Doctor came by last night. He said you are getting discharged today. " Unnie
" But jungkook still haven't woke up" me
" You can come and visit him" unnie
" Ok.." me
I got discharged that day. I didn't want to leave jungkook alone.

* After three months*

I'm visiting jungkook after a week as I just finished exam yesterday. I miss him so much.
I saw him still sleeping on the bed. He is a sleeping angel.
" Hey jungkook. So much thing happened in this week. exam came by and you are still sleeping. You know.. actually a boy proposed me.. but I rejected him because I love you and I don't want to leave you.. and yeah.. I bumped into yeri in the canteen. She pushed me and threw water at my face I promise so angry that I stood up and threw a plate of student who was just beside us to her face. She got covered with food. And then she shouted at me and said I'm a bitch. I said to her that she is the bitch who tried to ruin me and yours relationship. And then again I threw the drink of another student who was near us to her hair and face. Then we fought. I got detention causing me to be a little late to meet you.. jungkook.. I did great right.. tell me that you are proud of me jungkook.. wake up will you?.." me
I started to sob again. It has been so many months. and he still haven't woke up. I slept there after crying.

*After three months*
Right now I'm at the room where jungkook is kept.
I am not moving now as I told my father that I like it here and that I want to stay with jungkook. Thank goodness he agreed.
I have been busy these days making cranes. Because there is a story that is said to be if you make thousand cranes, your wish will be granted by god.
" Yah kookie! Look I have made now 59 cranes. 41 still to go. But can't you just wake up. You will wake up right? Promise me that you will.. you promise right?"me

*After six months*
" Hey kookie.. look what I got for you.. it's a good luck bracelet.. I went shopping yesterday and there was this bracelet materials that peoples said that if you made a bracelet with these, your wish is to be granted.. well I even made cranes.. so my wish will be granted right?" Me
" Yah.. wake up will you? Unnie and oppa even graduate.. we will graduate after a year.. jungkook.. I miss you" me

*After a year*

I went to Japan in holiday as my father wanted me to. I came back after a month. It has been two years since jungkook has been sleeping.. today I'm visiting jungkook. He still haven't woke up..
" Hello jungkook.. I'm finally seeing you after a month.. I missed you.. yah! We even graduated.. I'm going to college this year and you still haven't woke up.. unnie and tae oppa is going to get married this year.. it's on next month.. I hope you will wake up before the wedding." me. I held his hand.
"I had a great time in Japan. Although I kept missing you. I went to a cherry blossom festival when I was at Japan. There were so many couples hugging, holding hands and all. How I wish I could hold hands with you, hug you when I feel scared, kiss you when you are being cute.. I miss all those time when we were together.. please wake up.. I miss you so much.. it has been two years.. I don't have the strength to wait for more.. I'm falling apart jungkook.. I want you to hug me and tell me everything will be okay.. and that you are there for me.. jungkook.. please wake up.. please.." me

*After a month*

I didn't visit jungkook since a month. I got so busy with tae oppa and unnie's wedding decorations.
I'm the wedding planner as how we promised it to be although jungkook aren't here with me
* Flashback*
Me, jungkook,unnie and tae oppa today went the beach.
We are currently resting after swimming.
" Yah oppa. Aren't we graduating this year?" Unnie
" Yeah we are. Let's get married next year" oppa
" No way!... Well.. after a year" unnie
" Ok then.. so it would be when jungkook and tzuyu graduates.. how about we four get married at once" tae oppa
" No" me and jungkook
" We will get married later.. after a year passes when you two gets married." Jungkook
" I agree. I am gonna catch your bouquet when you throw it" me
" And I'm going to propose you to be my wife that day" jungkook
" Really? You promise?" Me
" I promise" jungkook.
I kissed him on the cheek and he did the same.
" Yah you two. Stop being lovey dovey" unnie
" ok fine.. unnie i want to be the wedding planner of you both wedding. Can I?" me
" Why don't we do it together?" Jungkook
" Ok then. It's finale. We are getting married after a year and you both will be the wedding planner" tae oppa
" Ok! " Taesatzukook
*End of Flashback*

Today is the day of the wedding. Unnie looks gorgeous. Even tae oppa looks handsome.
They looked so happy. Everyone is so happy. But I'm not..
I miss you jungkook.. please wake up for me.. you promised me that you will propose me on the day of unnie and tae oppa's wedding..
It was the time that everyone gather up and try to catch the bouqet when the bride throws..
I did say I want to catch it.. but I didn't feel like doing it as jungkook still haven't woke up..
When everyone gathered near them, I took a step back from them and turned around. Suddenly the flower bouquet hit my head and I caught it. I turned around to give the flower bouquet back.
But when I turned around, i was surprised.
Jungkook was standing right in front of me! Yes jungkook!
" The bouquet went straight to you meaning we will get married soon. You caught the bouqet as you said you will" jungkook
" Jungkook.. you.. you woke up" I hugged him and he hugged me back.
" I missed you jungkook. I'm sorry for not trusting you. I'm really really sorry.. " me
" I missed you too.. now let me fulfill my promise" jungkook
I let go of him and looked at him with a confused look.
He kneed down and took a ring.
" Tzuyu.. I never thought I would fell for someone this much.. I thought I would always be a Playboy. You became my life without me noticing.. I want you to be my life partner.. I need you girl.. and I love you that even words can't express it. I just want you to be with me forever. I want keep hugging you, I want to keep kissing you, I want to go trips with you, I want to do everything with you.. I love you a lot. I promise to you and myself that I will never ever break our relationship and will protect you forever. I just want to ask you.. tzuyu.. will you be my wife?" Jungkook.
My eyes was filling with tears of joy and I kept nodding my head continuously.
I kneed down and hugged him. He hugged me back. After a while we broke the hug. He wiped my tears.
" When did you wake up? I didn't even knew " me
"I woke up yesterday morning. Hyung was there when I woke up. He told me everything. I told him not to tell anyone so I can suprise you. I'm sorry for doing such a stupid thing. I promise I will not do it again. now stop crying. " jungkook
" It's my fault. not yours jungkook.. I'm sorry for everything.. "me
" Shh.. it's okay.. now will you respond me?" Jungkook
" Yes. I, Choi Tzuyu agrees to be jeon jungkook's wife" me
He smiled at me and putted the ring to my finger.
We stood up and everyone started to clap. We hugged each other.
" Yah you two are taking all the attention when me and Sana are the bride and the groom" tae oppa
We all laughed. Me and jungkook made eye contact.
" I love you choi tzuyu" jungkook
" I love you too jeon jungkook" me

This is the last chapter. Hope you guys like it. Bye everyone.

FELL IN LOVE  WITH MY ENEMY (TAESANA TZUKOOK) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now