Episode 5 : All In

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Light fingers caressed Gabriel's hand.

"I'm sorry," he said, turning back to Suzy. "You were saying?"

"Nothing." She smiled.

"Aren't you ever taking off your mask?" He touched a feather on her temple.

"Why? Don't you like it?"

"I want to see your face."

"That's enough champagne, Jenna," said a voice beside him.

"But why?" Jenna said, whining.

With a muttered excuse to Suzy, Gabriel turned to see what the problem was.


"You're drunk," Hayley said. She tried to wrestle the glass of champagne away from Jenna.

Her  friend held on to the drink stubbornly. "Honestly, I'm fine," she  insisted. Her eyes were wide, and she looked at Hayley pointedly,  clearly telling her to back off.

But Hayley was sure she was more than just tipsy. "Your face is all flushed. Remember what happened last time you got drunk?"

"Hayley  Denton!" Jenna looked outraged. "Breaking into that pool deck was  Owen's idea, okay!" she added said in a stage whisper.

Reinheart  was leaning back in his seat, watching the struggle in front of him with  an amused expression on his face. "Maybe you should just let the lady  have one more drink," Reinheart said.

"Oh you'd like that, wouldn't you?" Hayley shot at him. "You like all your dates inebriated?"

"Whoa!"  Annoyance crossed his face for a brief moment before he was back  flashing his charming smile. "I prefer my dates fully sober, I assure  you."

"Seriously, Hayley, you're making a big deal out of nothing," Jenna said.

"Jenna," Hayley said, giving her a look that broke no argument.

"How  about we go see if they have any water," Gabriel said, getting up and  grasping Hayley's wrist firmly. "Or maybe a virgin cocktail?"

"W-w-what?"  Heat shot up Hayley's arm from his touch. Her knees wobbled, but  thankfully he hauled her to her feet with an ease that made it seem that  she weighed nothing. "What are you—"

"Excuse us." Gabriel smiled down at Suzy as he guided Hayley toward the bar.

What  was going on? Why was this guy hauling her off like she was some unruly  child who just threw a tantrum at the dinner table.

Suzy glared at her the moment Gabriel turned away.

Hayley  wanted to assure the woman that no, she didn't want to go with this  guy, wherever it was he was taking her. But he was moving too fast, and  she had to move her feet faster just to keep from tripping.

To her surprise, he pulled her outside on the balcony. She didn't even know there was a balcony.

"What is your problem?" she demanded, jerking her arm free.

"What exactly are you doing here, Hayley?" Gabriel said.

She  never thought her name was particularly nice. It sounded like a  fifteen-year-old girl's name, if she were honest. But for some reason,  the way he said her name made it seem... almost sexy.

He looked almost angry. Annoyed, actually.

She  swallowed. "It's a party. I'm here to... uh... " Her mind was blank.   "...to party." She was pretty sure she had more words in her vocabulary.  What the hell was wrong with her tonight?

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