Episode 21 - New Arrangements

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With Zenia still wrapped around him, Gabriel carried her a few steps toward the pool. Her smile faded and her eyes grew wide as she realized what he was going to do. Before she could protest he tossed her unceremoniously into the water.

Ignoring her shrieks of indignation, he put on his shirt and headed back to the house.


Hayley wasn't in their room. Gabriel tried calling her phone but his call went directly to voice mail.

She had sent him two messages, one letting him know she was going down to brunch and another one a few minutes later asking him where he was. He had set his phone to silent, so he never got them earlier.

Where are you? he texted her.

After he showered, he checked his phone. No reply. He sent her another message:

I'll see you at the party.

He got dressed in a black shirt and jeans then went to meet Edward in the game room. His cousin and some of their friends were in the middle of a game of billiards. A good number of guests were watching a friendly match between Arsenal and Boreham Wood on the three flatscreens. A bartender in tight leather, purple hair and a wide array of body piercings was mixing drinks at the bar.

"What can I get you?" she said, not looking up from the cocktail glass she was filling.

Gabriel perched on a barstool. "Just a beer, thanks," he said. "You wouldn't happen to have an Asahi Super Dry, would you?"

"Yeah. Coming right up."

A petite woman with silver-blonde short-cropped hair walked up to the bar and stood next to him. "Yui," he said when he recognized her.

"Hey Gabe," she said. She flashed a dimpled grin at the cocktail the bartender set down in front of her. "Thanks." She took a sip. "Mmmmm. This is good." To Gabriel, she said, "You disappeared last night. Where'd you go?"

"Thought I'd keep my girlfriend company." He glanced at the billiards game, where Edward was walking around the table eyeing the few balls left. His expression was serious and focused. "Exactly how soundly are you beating my cousin?"

"Oh, I'm going easy on him." She propped an elbow on the bar as she sipped her drink. "It's his birthday weekend after all."

He chuckled. "Yeah right."

"I mean, it's not like he bet his Ferrari or anything."

"Seriously?" said the bartender, her eyes wide.

Yui's dimple deepened as she flashed the woman a bright smile. "Maybe," she said, then leaned forward. "If I win, can I take you on a ride?"

"Sure." The bartender smiled back. "I'm Gloria."

"Yui." They shook hands, looking flirtingly at each other.

Gabriel knew when he was forgotten, so he turned his attention to the football match. Where the hell was his girlfriend? She should be here keeping him company. That was what he paid her to do. He probably should teach her a lesson. At that thought, his mind conjured up an image of Hayley on her knees in front of him. Her hand around his cock. Both hands.

"Hey Yui, you're up!"

The sound of Edward's voice shook Gabriel out of his thoughts. His cousin had missed his shot, apparently, because he practically hollered at Yui,

"Excuse me," Yui said, setting her drink down. She gave Gloria a wink, and added, "I'll be right back," before sauntering back to the billiards table.

"You seen Reinheart anywhere?" Edward said, walking over to the bar. "Stella," he said to the bartender, who nodded.

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