Episode 22 : The Worst-Laid Plans

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Hayley sucked in her breath. "Fine," she said. She tried to ignore the sharp pang in her chest from Gabriel's quick acquiescence to her suggestion. Forcing a smile, she added. "Let's go back to the party."

Gabriel regarded her for a long moment before turning on his heel and walking. His long strides forced her to move quickly to catch up.

"Do you really not like my hair?" she said.

"No," he said, not looking at her. Then he sighed. "I mean it's fine. I was just ... surprised." He shook his head. "It was Reinheart's idea, wasn't it?"

"What makes you think—"

He stopped walking and turned to face her. "Because I've known him since we were ten, and that's the kind of thing he'd do." His gaze swept over her face before lowering to her body.

She felt so self-conscious that she had to fight the urge to cover her chest with her arms.

"I didn't buy you that dress."

"Oh." She swallowed. "No, I made it."

"You made it," he echoed.

She gave out a small laugh to release some of her nervousness. "Yes, we found a small shop down the road that sells scarves. So I thought..." Sighing, she let her words trail off. How could she explain to him that she sewed a lot of her own clothes? It was embarrassing — especially to someone who could afford to throw away every piece of clothing he owned after wearing them only once. But she loved it. She loved creating things she or her friends would wear. Making her outfit tonight from the lovely oversize scarves she found at the shop made her feel like herself again. It was a relief to go back to something familiar that she loved, especially now that she was pretending to be someone she wasn't.

He raked his fingers through his hair, muttering something under his breath. His hands came up to rest on his hips then he tore his gaze from her and toward the people partying around the pool. His brows furrowed as though he was deep in thought. Turning back to look at her, he said, "Didn't you pack enough clothes?"

"I did." Her heart sank. "You don't like it."

"No." His gaze flittered briefly over her once more. "I would appreciate it if you stick to the wardrobe I picked out for you."

"Seriously. Are you going to be this controlling? I don't..." She stopped, irritation and anger choking her words. She took a deep breath and continued through gritted teeth, "I didn't‏ think you were that kind of guy."

His eyes were hard, almost cold. "You have a role, Hayley. And I get to decide how you should look in that role. That's the job you signed up for."

Her outraged protest was at the tip of her tongue but she bit it back. She knew he was right. What the hell did she know about how to dress like the kind of woman who dated a man like Gabriel Sin? He'd hired a stylist for her, for God's sake. If that wasn't enough of a clue that she didn't look the part she was playing, then she didn't know what would. But the idea of having him dictate her clothes just didn't sit right. But she would have to let it, wouldn't she? Swallowing, she said, "Fine." She glanced toward the house. "Would you like me to change?"

His cool gaze raked over her once more. He was probably trying to assess how much of a disaster her outfit was and if they could get away with it for just one party.

"You know what," she cut in before he could reply, her hands moving to unfasten the hooks that held the dress together on her front. "I'll just take the dress off." Most of the guests were in bikinis and trunks anyway. It wasn't her style, especially since she hadn't planned on swimming, but it was easier than having to go back to the house to change. Or to keep having him look at her with so much disapproval for the rest of the night.

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