4- Why Not?

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The next day, Tuesday, was an eventful day. Still trying to avoid my father, I got ready as quietly and quickly as was humanly possible. Last night I got back from Luc's house and my dad wasn't even home. If we were a normal family I would have been worried, but I was used to it. He disappeared all the time. I had given up trying to figure out where he went. Just like his job, I couldn't figure out that secret of his either. Come to think of it,I really didn't know my father at all. I guess we were just roommates who were stuck together in the same house and forced to live together.

The thoughts melted away from my mind as I stepped closer and closer to the bus stop. Once there I realized that I was the only one at the stop and thought I came on the wrong day or something until the yellow beast pulled over and opened its skinny doors. I regretfully stepped on and and grabbed the last seat next to some freshman guy.

Right as I stepped off the bus, Luc was waiting for me on the curb of the bus loop.

"Hey," he said. " what's up?"

"Not much," I replied. " Why weren't you on the bus?"

"I woke up late and missed it, so I got my mom to drive me. Why, did you miss me?" he said through a grin.

"of course I did!" I didnt miss him of course and honestly dont know why I even asked him. "Well I have to go to my locker. I left literally all the binders I need today in there and its all the way at the other end of the building. "

"Okay, see you in band."

Luc played the tenor saxophone. It was bigger than an alto but smaller than a baritone.  As for me, I played the ever recognizable clarinet. I started playing it in 5th grade. At first, I didnt want to be in band, but after I found out that I would miss part of math class for an instructor to come teach us in our cafiteria, I couldnt say no. I mean, who wouldnt want to miss 5th grade math?

The first half of the day passed by so slow that I thought it was never going to end. Us history, English, geometry, and biology.  It was all one right after the other. After lunch, I had my electives; french and band. Those couldnt come soon enough, I thought to my self as I finished my half cold slice of cheese pizza.

"Hey Elodie."

"Hi Luc. What do you think they are going to make us play today?" Since it was the second day of school, our band teacher, Mr. Vise, still hadn't chosen songs for our upcoming concert in October. 

"I hope we play something new. This room seems like it hasnt heard any new music since the 80's."

I smiled at his comment. It was true , the faded gray carpet and paneled wood walls screamed old.

Mr.Vise finaly came in and raised his hands, signaling a silence that took 5 minutes to fill the room. Then he said, " I have great news. As you may know, every year, the school hosts a musical. Well we need some volunteers to sign up for pit orchestra. Its really fun I promise."

After that, he announced something about us playing some Halloween themed songs to fit with the date of the concert. For the rest of band, I lazily played the melody of some song about ghosts. After the bell rang, I gravitiated toward the musical sign up sheet.For reasons I still dobt know, I wrote my name Elodie Banks under the spot marked clarinets.

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