1293 Pine Street

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Luc was already waiting for me when I got to our bus at the end of the day. " Why didn't you just tell me to meet me here instead of a note?"

"Because I like you."

"Okay, I just met you this morning and you already think that?"

" Its not like that. Ever since this morning, you have been the only person to talk to me. I dont know why but no one else ever seems to notice me."

" Well I found it hard not to notice you this whole day."

" Why is that?"

Just then I realized that I didnt know why, but I just seemed so drawn to him, like how a kid is just drawn to a certain peice of candy in a whole store of treats.

"Look, I dont really know why. I just moved here a month ago so I dont really know that many people."

"Well know you know me."

With that, we both stepped on to the bus and found a seat next to eachother before all of the seats filled up.

Luc was a tall, but fit guy. His hair was blowing from the open window and his mocha eyes were staring out of it. At that moment I wondered why no one would want to talk to him. He was quite but not boring.

" So what did you want to talk about?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out at my house."

"Oh, okay. Sure."

"Well thats good because I wasnt going to take no for an answer."

After our stop, Luc led me down a few streets before we ended up at 1293 Pine Street. It was a dark tan two story house that was not on the small side at all. He grabed a key and unlocked the big dark wooden door.

The house looked even bigger on the inside. It had miles of hard wood floor and plain white walls. Luc started up stairs to what I assumed were bedrooms and I followed him.

"Are we going to your room?" I asked.

"No, I just wanted you to have to go up those stairs for the view," he said with a sarcastic tone.

Then Luc went into the last room at the end of a hallway and waited for me to join him. Once inside, I looked around. To my surprise there wasnt much in his room. Just a full size bed, a black wooden desk, and a flat screen tv.

"So what do ya want to do?" he asked me.

"I dont know. It was your idea for me to come here so you should decide that," I stated. "...Hey not to be rude or anything but why dont you have that much stuff in your house? its a big house, but there is practically nothing in it."

"Oh well my mom and I move a lot. We moved here not that long before you did. My mom's a journalist so she has to travel for her work and I am forced to go along with her. It gets kinda annoying but I got used to it a long time ago."

"We move a lot too; my dad and I. We have lived at like 10 different places in that I can remember. "

" I guess we do have some things in common then."

After That I noticed that while he was talking I just couldnt stop thinking about how his voice sounded as his jaw line was strongly shown and his eyes wandering along my face as he talked.


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