Round 1: Voting

239 7 52

Voting Rules:

-You may vote for TEN people (including yourself).

-You may vote once and only once.

-All ten names must be different, and voting is open to the public.

-Nobody will be eliminated from this round.

To vote leave a comment with the names of those you are voting for 

Voting will be open until Sunday, September 7th.

The people you may vote for are:

Mereana Clark

Alvena Connor

Icarus Keii

Jess Baress

Ophelia Statton


Alice Fawley

Jessica Graves

Azel Milani

Azazel Auslaufen

Daniella Harmus

Calla Shaw

Annalisa Hathaway

Lily Annabeth Soreli

Ash Jamine Morse

Rachel Johnson

Good luck!


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