Round 2: Results

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The second round of voting has passed, and the results have been counted!

Each vote was worth TWO points.

If you have see any mistakes with the votes counted, please send us a Private Message. Also, a reminder that everybody who didn't hand in an entry and gave no reason as to why (through PM), had 5 points removed from their total.

* = Judges Pick (only one this round, sorry!). Judges picks are chosen when an entry caused one of the "judges" (BluePendragon and InvisibleInTheLight), to really enjoy reading it. We can only pick one each, so make sure your entries are really great! Five points can bring somebody pretty far in this competition, we've found. This round was really hard, I wanted to pick all of you guys that handed in your entries :P



Alvena Connor: -8

Icarus Keii: -1

Jess Baress: -10



Ophelia Statton: 22

Chance: -5

Alice Fawley: 22

Jessica Graves: -5



*Azel Milani: 41

Azazel Auslaufen: 18

Daniella Harmus: 3

Calla Shaw: 36



Lily Annabeth Soreli: 6

Ash Jamine Morse: 20

Rachel Johnson: 22



1. Jess Baress

2. Alvena Connor


We're really sorry to see you go! You're both amazing writers, and very creative! We hope you continue to take part in the PotterInk contest by voting for your favourite entries, or even taking part in the next contest. Thank you very much for participating!


Thanks for voting everybody, and round 3 will be posted later today!

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