Chapter 7

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The next morning I found myself in Hoseok's warm and strong arms. I didn't move much, as to not wake him and I allowed flashbacks of last night to run through my head. Being with him was amazing...the sex was absolutely outstanding. I found myself wanting more and more after we were done, and after three rounds I didn't want him to think less of me than he already did. It was fun with him, and easy. I was so unusually comfortable with him that I didn't even feel the need to hide my nakedness. As I laid there listening to his gentle breathing, one particular memory, one involving me down on his body, brought a smile to my face. The noises I was able to bring from his throat was almost inspiring. I wanted to please him, I wanted him to remember me whenever he thought of any one night stand he would have.

The thought took my smile away and I started to feel bad. A one night stand...that's what this was. I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed...but what did I expect? I didn't know him...he didn't know me....and just because he touched me gently or kissed me softly and passionately doesn't mean it meant either of us.

The more I laid there, the more I realized how incredibly awkward it was going to be if he wakes up while I'm still here. I took a deep breath, and placed a small kiss to his chest before slowly, so incredibly slowly I swear it took me 10 minutes, I got out of the bed. His arm fell softly in front of him, almost on top of his other arm that was previously comfortably beneath me.

I was still naked and when I stood on my legs I had to grab at the wall to balance myself. My legs were wobbly and there was an ache at my core that I didn't realized I missed having. I dressed quickly and grabbed my shoes before making my way towards the door. I was able to open it and shut it quietly as to not wake him up.

I looked around and there was a door across from me that was cracked open, and out of sheer luck when I peeked in I saw Jin and Namjoon tangled in the covers dead asleep. I crept in and looked around for his pants finding them up on the dresser as if they had been thrown or kicked there.

"Fucking beasts..." I mumbled walking over. I found his keys and the jingle from them made Namjoon stir and peek an eye open to see me.

"Noona?" he graoned out.

"Shh shh shh." I shushed him as I walked over and squatted on the balls of my feet so he wouldn't have to move much. "Don't be too loud." I whispered and he nodded. "I'm going to take Jin's car and go home. Can Tae bring you guys to my house to pick it up once you're up?"

He nodded again. "Where did you go last night?" he asked too tired to see my current state.

"We'll talk about it later." I whispered and then kissed his forehead. "Go back to sleep...but let Jin know okay?"

He nodded and moved to snuggle back into his pillow and I left leaving the door open the same way I found it. I walked back down the hallway making it to the stairs being as quiet as I could possibly be. I did not want anyone to see me...not Tae, not Kookie...god not even Yoongi. I forgot this was his boyfriends house. As I stepped on the floor I looked around the corners to see the house completely trashed. Bodies were sprawled about and you could hear light snoring in the distance. Hopefully Jimin could afford to hire someone to clean this place because damn it needed work.

I made it out to Jin's car and got in starting it up. It was another cool day but the sun was out making me wish it would just go away; too early to be so damn bright. I drove in silence, not intentionally. But I couldn't help but keep my focus on last nights events. Hoseok was a really nice person, he was fun to be around, and I'm glad I hooked up with him and not some other neanderthal. I was lucky, he wasn't a selfish lover, he gave more than I did, and he enjoyed different positions and different speeds. He wasn't overly rough, but he wasn't too gentle either.

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