Keeping the terrors away (fluff) - Part 1

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Author's note: The basement and Yan's bedroom are exactly pictured like in Yandere Simulator- minus the Senpai Shrine and the chair Yan-Chan ties her victims to.

You'd think a 20-something year old woman who graduated high school and college with honors, thus earning her degree in psychology, would be living her life in comfort and stability while fulfilling her ambition to help those who needed it.

But no.

I'm unemployed and about to be homeless.

Oh yeah. I also suffer from night terrors and I haven't been able to afford my medication for 2 months. It was bad enough that I spooked easily.

Apparently, there weren't many vacancies for employment in mental health. Even though I had an immaculate resume and glowing letters of recommendation from many of my professors and former employer, it still wasn't enough to get me even the most basic jobs around my hometown that involved psychiatry.

After finishing my temporary place job, the little income I earned was only enough to keep a roof over my head and put food on the table.

This morning I found that my landlord had placed a final notice on my front door, telling me I had 1 week to pack up and get out.

I was lucky enough to have parents to count on, but unfortunately they lived all the way on the other side of town and were currently celebrating their 30th anniversary in Hawaii. They wouldn't be back for 3 weeks and, with my phone out of service, I had no way of contacting them.

"Things can't possibly get any worse than this..." I muttered, pulling on my coat as I walked out the front door of my soon-to-be former building.

It was still early so I decided to try and cheer myself up by going to McDonald's for fries and a milkshake.

Also, I could connect to the WiFi there and rant about my problems on Facebook like I usually did.

Even though ranting on social media was frowned upon, I always believed the phrase: a problem shared is a problem halved.

And it did feel good to get it off your chest despite whatever kind of response you got.

20 minutes after posting, I got the usual my thoughts are with you and I hope everything turns out okay for you in the end crap in the comments, but nothing that would actually prevent me from becoming homeless.

I wasn't even offered a couch to crash on until my parents came home.

What was I going to do?

Knowing I wouldn't be allowed to stay long in the restaurant after finishing my fries and shake, I got up and started to head back to my apartment.

I was only yards away from the building when a sudden uneasiness crept over me. I looked behind me to see a lanky man, who looked about my age, grinning tobacco stained teeth at me. He wore a khaki colored jacket with large front pockets and the sleeves torn off, exposing his arms which were covered in crude tattoos.

"Hey sexy," he snickered. He was only a few feet away from me. "what's a nice girl like you doing out by yourself? Do ya need some company?"

Fuck no...

I didn't need a degree to tell me that he was bad news.

Trying my best not to express my discomfort, I gave him a polite smile before continuing on my way.

Almost there, almost there...


Before I could react to the snap, a strong hand gripped my shoulder. I yelped as I was forced to spin around roughly so I fully faced him.

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