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It doesn't matter where I go, he's always there.

There's no escaping him.

This demon goes by the name of Antisepticeye. His main features is his glowing acidic green eye and the slit in his throat.

His demonic powers allow him to do almost anything he pleases. His favourite pass time:

Driving people to the point of insanity.

And I'm his new play thing.

Every room I enter, he's there.

Every dream I conjure, he's there.

Even when I try and escape him, he always knows where I am in every minute of every day.

I feel his eyes on me, making my hairs on my neck stand up.

I can feel my mind being bent every time I have to deal with him.

"Anti, for fuck sakes, stop nagging me! I'll get your damn cookies later!" I finally shriek. My twitching

The demon backs up a bit. "But I'm really hungry and you promised them ages ago." I sigh.

"I promised them I'd get them today last time before going to bed. You wouldn't of let me sleep otherwise." But even that didn't stop him.

"But I'm hungry!!!"


Hey!! I hoped you enjoyed this short story and the picture.

For all those reading this, I'm also open to requests!!

The chapter will be dedicated to you and it can be about anything you want from nothing is off limits. True I might get uncomfortable with a few thing but all I ask is nothing rasict and highly sexist. Otherwise explain what you want in your story. If it happens to be in the topic of the Jacksepticeye, (Chase, Anti, Jack, Mark, Dark etc...) Then it will be published in this story segment as a separate chapter, if it's something completely different, I'll be making a new Story segment all together. (But in order for that bit to happen, we might need a few people) So don't forget to tell your friend. I'll also be posting it as an announcement on my page.

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