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His appearance, his mood, even his stench. It all reeked of a rotting corpse.

People keep their head down. They dare not even make eye contact or utter a single word in fear that he might kill without thinking. Like he did... back then.

The only time anyone can feel remotely calm when around him is when he's consumed a dark liquid. bitter in taste but said to ease the prowling beast.

"Feel better Anti?"

Anti open his acidic green eyes to a familiar sensation. A face full of steam from a cup of pitch black coffee.

"Mm." He then looked at the person who gave him his morning juice. They had such a big smile even though it was 8:30 in the morning.

"Jesus Christ, you look worse then Robbie of a morning , don't you?"

Anti looked up with tired eyes. "Only you can say that and get away with it."


Sorry it's so short and sorry it's been so long I've just so much on my plate as of late and only now have I been able to catch up. If there's anything I can do to make it up to you all, let me know!! 

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