Chapter 10

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Yesterday was a good day, I can't deny that. I know I need to stay focused on the task at hand, which is to break his black heart into a million tiny fragments but part of me is screaming for me to stop. I can't though because once I start something it has to be finished. I'm psychotic in that way. Charlene actually showed up for work today surprisingly. I am so thankful she hasn't said anything about me being weird at the diner yesterday. I wasn't even questioned by Henry and Nicole, when I got home the two of them were passed out on the couch still with my damn blanket. This morning when I got up both had already left for work. I'd slept in because my body feels so tired lately to the point of almost collapsing. I think it partially has to do with the incident at the club, I'm still haunted that the man who stalked me is still out there.

Ever since I put my boot on this morning I've felt like there's been something inside of it. It's been driving me nuts. I don't remember it being there yesterday so whatever it is must have gotten in there on the way to work. I'm doing my least favorite task which is alphabetizing the CDs. God its painful literally. I have to sing the ABC's in my head just to make sure it's in order. My Uncle is big on the placement of say REO speedwagon and the Chili Peppers, which one comes first. Red Hot or REO? The answer: is Red Hot Chili Peppers because of the d in red comes before the o in REO.

I look around to see if any customers are watching me, it's been a quiet day so I think it's safe to take a short break and see what's in there. I lift my foot and tug the boot off without unlacing. A white folded loose-leaf paper falls out with a light thud. I look down at it and have a feeling I know exactly who it's from. I'm shocked that I hadn't felt it yesterday since I wore these for the whole shift then too. I bend down and pick the folded paper up off the floor.

Galaxy girl,

Sorry kid you're stuck with that one. I know Nicole is working tonight, but I'm hoping you'll stop by for a drink tomorrow (or maybe today depending on when you felt this in your shoe) or maybe it was yesterday. If it's yesterday then you'll just have to come tonight too because I'm working then too. My stepfather thinks it will be beneficial for me to work a lot. He thinks I'm a teenager again, but we always got along even back then. I don't know why I'm rambling though. If this non-date goes well, yes I'm writing this before I even know if you'll show... well then I'd like to offer up another non date. You're choice. Maybe I'll see you tonight, or tomorrow, or whichever night you finally realize there's a piece of paper in your boot.

West Coast Boy

God I'm doing that stupid smiling thing again. I hear Charlene clear her throat, and when I look up she's staring at me like I'm crazy.

"My father says he wants you to clean the bathrooms," she says.

"You have got to be shitting me," I complain.

"Nope no shit... well I don't know there could be..." she starts to say.

"Funny Char," I say breezing by her with the note crumpled in my hand.

"Everything okay? My mom said you had an episode the other night..."

"Yeah, I'm all good," I say with a reassuring smile.

"Okay, just making sure," she tells me.

Charlene wasn't back from school yet when everything went down, but she'd called me the next day and we talked on the phone for hours. We may not always be close, but we are always there for each other, which is why I'm doing this thing with Jace.

Speaking of Jace I send a quick text to Nicole before my bathroom duty.

Me: Hey babe, I'm going to the club. I didn't get to tell you but Jace is bartending with Henry. Will you be there after work? Not sure how much I can handle without you?

I put the phone in my butt pocket and start grabbing some cleaning supplies out of the supply closet. I've decided to start with the small public restroom we have, that one is always the worst. As I'm about to put my gloves on my phone dings. I place the gloves under my arms and read the message.

Nicole: I'm not sure when I'll get out of here, these people are pigs today there's food and garbage everywhere. I'm thinking not, but I'm going to try for you. Are you sure you can do this by yourself?

Me: No. Not really.

Nicole: Why don't you just not go? We're going to theme night in a few days, can't you wait till then?

Me: I need to dance, let off some steam.

I text back half lying. I really do need to dance, if I go a few or more days without it I lose my mind. I should have been dancing professionally, but one mistake can alter your entire career. I hate the reminder of that just as much as I hate the reminder of that guy who keeps creeping into my thoughts. I start to wonder if dancing tonight is even worth the stress. I should just go home put on my fluffy unicorn onesie and call it a night. I keep telling myself it's because I have to nail this guy for Charlene's sake, but deep down I fear there might be more to it than that.

Nicole: Keep Henry in your line of sight. I promise I'll get to you as soon as I can," she says.

Me: Love you!

Nicole: Love you too, stay safe. If you're uncomfortable stay close to Henry.

Me: Yes mom, I mean Nicole.

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