Chapter 14

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I'm the first to pull away, because let's be honest this is getting hot and heavy pretty fast. I know it's New York City and well I've seen worse things on the street, but I'm not that kind of person. I wiggle out of his grip and he carefully sets me down on the sidewalk. Both of us are breathing heavily unable to catch out breaths. My lips feel like they've had an allergic reaction they are so swollen. I'm suddenly feeling nervous around him, and I'm not exactly sure what to think.

"Yeah, so I'm just gunna go home now and uh... yeah," I say slowly easing my way around him.

I'm walking sort of backwards sort of not. I take long slow strides and he's just watching me with an amused look on his face.

"Um... don't you need your jacket? You look a bit chilly," he says eying my chest.

When he says shit like that I want to slap him, but I hold back because I'm too flustered to think straight.

"Right, my jacket oh and my best friend. I need to get my jacket and best friend," I say starting to walk towards the club.

I walk past him repeating the words, jacket and best friend over and over. I don't hear him following me which is a good thing.

"So um... I'll call you?" he yells in my direction.

I shake my head, not looking back.

"I'll write you note?"

I stop and crane my neck just enough to see his face. I give a nod and start walking back towards the club. I'm not quite ready to give up his old fashioned way of contacting me, it's different and I kind of like it. Without another word I step forward and walk back into the club. Nicole is frantically talking to Henry. I hear her say my name as I slide into the bar stool next to hers. Henry eyes me, and then her eyes follow.

"Why are your lips swollen?" she questions her eyes brow wiggling with excitement.

"An allergy to um... alcohol?" I tease.

Henry gives me the look a father would give his daughter for returning after curfew. I'm still kind of dazed, but slowly coming out of it.

"Right," he says.

"So was it Brendon?" she asks looking over my shoulder.

From behind without touching me a hand places a bar napkin down folded up like a note. By the time I turn around he's walking away.

"Oh my god it was Jace!" she yells causing a few people at the bar including Henry to turn around.

"It was that good?" she questions.

"Mmm," I say putting my hand over the napkin.

"I think your drunk and I should take you home now," she tells me.

"You know what, I think I'm drunk too. In the morning I'll totally regret that," I say.

"Right young lady, you should be ashamed," she says pointing her finger with a smirk.

Henry looks over at us and rolls his eyes.

"I'm uh... taking this one home she's too drunk to function," Nicole says to Henry.

"Right," he says drawing out the word. "See you two troublemakers at home."

Nicole literally pushes me so fast that I almost forget my coat for the second time that night. The minute we get outside she looks over at me and says, "Girl you better spill!"

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