Pool parteeh.

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***Niall's POV***

We walked into my house, I pulled open the carrier bag with Rebecca's swimming cotume in, and threw i at her. "Umm... where do I change?" she asked, I motioned 'here' to her as a joke. "Get on with it." I said raising my eyebrows. She slapped me playfully, and shook her head. "Niall.." she said, and looked towards the door, Someone was knocking. "One minute." I said and pecked her cheek, she blushed a deep pink. I winked at her. " I love that blush." I said as I walked over and opened the door.

It was Louis and Zayn. Louis raised one of his eyebrows at us, Rebecca giggled. "Uh hum?" I said, Louis and Zayn walked in. Rebecca was sitting on the sofa, Louis ran over to her. " Oh.. Beccaboo, whats Niall done toyeh hun?" He joked, the mascara marks where still on her face from when she was crying. " He left me for some randomer to get me." She wined, and giggled slightly. Louis pulled her into his arms and hugged her, he then winked at me. I sent him a glare, but laughed at them. Zayn was cracking up next to me, I took a picture of them, Louis putting his bottom lip out.

***Rebeccas POV***

"Niall? Pool?" I asked him after me and Louis finished with our drama act, he nodded. I ran upstairs with my cotume, into the bathroom. I changed into it, and hopped down the stairs, Niall was in his swimming shorts and a T-shirt. "Your wearing a shirt? Were going into the pool." I said to him, Louis and Zayn looked confused. Niall explained to them, they wanted to come in too.

We all stood on the edge of the pool. Niall finally took of his top, and dived into the pool. I blushed, as his head popped up from the water, he smiled at me.

"CANNON BALL!" Louis shouted and cannon ball'd into the pool splashing water all over me. He laughed at me. " You'll pay for that!" I muttered. Zayn climbed down the ladders into the pool, trying not to get his hair wet.

I sat on the edge of the pool, dangling my legs in the water, Niall climbed out and sat next to me. I rested my head on his shoulder. "Niall your freezing!" I said to him and wrapped him in a towel. He thanked me, no he tanked me. " You still haven't gone in the pool yet" he stated. I shook my head. " I don't wanna." Niall winked at me." Yeh you do" and he pushed me in. I tried gasping for air but it was no use.

I'm a gonner...


:o Nialler...

Comment what you think will happen.

Wove woo;P



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