18th Birthday!! Long Awaited Kisses and A Surprise?

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~Stella's POV~

After Ben attacked me I rolled out of bed and Ben ran downstairs to tell everyone I was getting ready. I laughed to myself I loved my family. Family First! That's what our parents had always taught us. That's the reason Ben had tattoed that on his chest and I had gotten it tattoed on my ankle. I loved it because it looked like I was wearing an anklet all the time. I went to my closet and searched for the perfect outfit to wear I knew that today was going to be so much fun and I wanted to look good. I settled on wearing ripped jeans just like the ones Andy Biersack wears in the video for Rebel Love Song. Then I grabbed my Asking Alexandria shirt that I had cut up and slipped it on. I was showing a lot of skin but who cared I was 18 I wasn't a little girl anymore I was allowed to look sexy now. Especially when all your brothers band mates were hot and single!!!

I grabbed my eyeliner and straightened my dark brown hair. I had darker hair then Ben but we had the same blue eyes which made us look alike. One thing you have to know about me is that I love my brother Ben he was my role model he followed his dream and now he was a big rock star!! I didn't give a shit what people said about him or Asking Alexandria. They were real and if people were going to rag on them for how they acted then they were stupid because my brother and his band were the whole essence of rock and roll. I smiled at my reflection I looked grown and I loved it. I put on some red heels and walked out of my room. I walked down the stairs and my family and my friends were all there and they shouted Happy Birthday!! I smiled and I was being surounded by hugs.

*Hours Later*

It was late now and I had already done the basic Birthday stuff with my family now I wanted to really party. I was laying on Sam's lap while my legs were sprawled out on James. We were drinking strawberry wine and just joking around. Ben and Danny had gone to get me "something special" for me they called it and Cameron went with them so that's why now I was casually laying on Sam and James secretly they were my favorite people especially James he was just so adorable but Sam was extremely cute too.

Sam was playing with my hair while James just played with the rips on my jeans. He kept making me shiver everytime he brushed his fingers on my skin that was showing. He smiled at me and I smiled back shyly. If only James could know how his smile drived me crazy. I was starting to daydream about James when Sam started touching my cheek. I smiled and looked at him. "What?" I asked. Sam chuckled and shrugged. "Nothing you've just grown so fast and you're just so beautiful." he said with a blush. I blushed harder "Thanks Sam but I'm not much younger then you guys!" I protested. Sam laughed and so did James. I glared at them. I was only four years younger then Ben so I wasn't that young, well atleast that's what I thought. I started to get up but Sam wrapped his arms around my waist and James hugged my legs. Making it impossible for me to get up. "Hey James! Sam! Let me go." I said laughing. I think we were all a little drunk. "Ya guys hold her down! We're taking this Princess out!" I heard Danny scream as him, Ben and Cameron came back in the room. Danny had a crown for me and Ben had this feather scarf for me to wear and Cameron had a tequila bottle in his hands. Danny and Ben put the crown on my head and wrapped the scarf around my neck. "Let the party begin!!" I yelled with a smirk as the guys cheered widly this was going to be a wild night.

~At the Club~

I was dancing with Sam and James which was making my pulse rise. They were both good looking and I wanted them. I guess because the three of us were drunk. Ben would flip the fuck out if he saw how I was wedged in the middle of his two best friends that were filled with lust and dirty thoughts. But Ben couldn't say anything now becase he was off with Dannyand Cameron fucking who ever came on to them. I'm glad they were having fun. Now I waned to do the same.

I wrapped my arms around James neck and he placed his on my hips while Sam was holding me at my waist. We started to grind together and Sam managed to get infront of me, and without warning he pulled me away from James and I went happily laughing with no protest because I was so drunk. "Sam where arre wee going." I slurred. "Ssshhh beautiful, I'm taking you away from here." Sam sad pressing two of his fingers to my lips. I giggled and followed happily. Sam led me outside where he pushed me against the cold clubs brick wall. "Stella I've always liked you and I want you." Sam said to me with a cute smile on his face. Before I could even process what he had just told me. Sam grabbed my face and crashed his lips to mine at first I was shocked but then my drunken state kicked in and I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back. Sam's lips were really warm and soft it drove my lips to want more soon enough he bit my lip and slipped his tongue into my mouth. He tasted of bourbon and sweet wine. Sam moaned and squeezed me too him.

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