Poem Twelve?

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You know
I've always loved blood
The smell, the taste, the look
The shimmer if it against my face
As a kid, I got blood noses a lot
I never complained
It terrified the friends who were aware of the issue

I've always enjoyed bruises
The dark coloration
The pain of touching it
They're beautiful.
When I was young, if I got angry
I would bite until I bruised
It hurt, but I didnt stop

I've always preferred hate
Love was never where I fit in
Maybe that's because my father didnt love me
And my mom was always stressed
Hate was where i was good
I was hated by most people
I was too nice when they were mean
I didnt mind. I learned to control my anger
My mother always said I had a strong sense of justice
Maybe that's why so many people hate me

I've always hated stupidity
It's everywhere
Online, in person, in the grave.
Ignorance seeps into the soil
It gives people a false sense of hope
A false sense of power

I've always watched people tear themselves apart
I try to help
They're too stupid to accept that I know how to help
I've helped many people
I scare lots people
I could protect you
I wont, because you have to learn to harden yourself, but I could

I thrive on chaos and adrenaline
I love when people think they scare me
It's fun to scare them in return
To grind and laugh as they punch me
To grab them by the throat and watch as fear clouds their eyes
They know I could kill them
I could get away with it too
But I have more self respect than to waste my time on them
So scaring them will suffice

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