Part 3 - Lost

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Pic is of Jemma (Played by Jessica Serfaty) Video is 'The Midnight Beast - Medium Pimpin' I thought this went well with the chapter because they're in a van? Not like... a porshe? yeah? no? okay... anyway enjoy:L x


It felt like it'd been hours, but more likely, it had only been a few minutes. Yes, Tish, Callie and I were still stuck in the back of Stefan Abingdon's van. With him, Ash and Dru in the front. Completely unaware of our presence. 

''Dru are you sure this is the right way?'' Stef asked slightly nervously.

''Yes! We just carry on, on this road for about two more miles, then turn right, and we're there!'' Dru screeched.

''Yep, I've definitely seen that tree stump before'' Ash added.

''Shut up Ash'' Dru sneered. Stef chuckled once. A few minutes later Stef said;

''Okay so where's the turn off then?! We've travelled at least two miles'' There was silence. ''Well?!''

''I don't know! I think we may have taken the wrong turn a few miles back.. don't worry we just have to turn around then we-''

''NO! Fucking hell Dru, just ONCE I thought you'd be able to get us somewhere without getting lost!'' Dru sighed.

''Look it's simple, just turn around and I'll tell you directions from then''

''Oh because that's been working so fucking great hasn't it?!'' Ash started whistling to break the tension. I tried not to laugh.

''SHUT UP ASH!!!'' Stef screamed. He was getting angry, it was pretty hot.

''Right so which way now then Dru?! You're the fucking expert'' I heard Ash laugh.

''Take the next left'' I felt the van turn. 

''Now what?''

''Just keep going until you see the next turn off right''

''You better be right about about this Dru, or I swear-'' Ash interrupted Stef ''Hey now! Let's all shut up shall we? Keep positive!'' I heard Stef and Dru sigh, but they kept quiet. It suddenly occured to me that when we stopped, they'd find us in the back of the van. What would they say? Would they be annoyed? What kind of question was that.. of course they would be. They'd probably call the police. For the next ten minutes or so we stayed dead silent and so did the boys. Stef broke the silence by saying;

''How much further Dru?'' I heard Dru shift around on his seat;

''Well.. it should be any minute now'' He didn't sound to sure;

''Dude are you sure? We are literally in the middle of nowhere'' Ash said.

''Y-yeah I'm sure'' Dru said timidly;

''You fucking better be'' Stef whispered under his breath. He seriously was so hot when he was angry. I was really annoyed that I was unable to communicate with Tish and Callie, but we did stay in contact with numerous facial expressions and used eye contact. Sometimes it was hard not to giggle. Callie's facial expressions were so funny.

''What the fuck was that?!'' Ash yelped. I stopped dead, we didn't make a sound? Did we? Then I heard a sound, a sort of dying engine sound. Oh fuck!

''Oh my god, that better not be what I think it is'' Stef said darkly. Then the noise got louder.

''Shit!'' Stef shouted. Gradually we came to an agonising stop as the van slowly died. 

''Ash you said you filled it up!!!'' Stef yelled.

''I-I did!''

''How long ago?!?!?!'' 

''Ummm.. two weeks?'' 

''TWO WEEKS! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!? THIS IS YOUR FAULT YOU FUCKING IDIOT! AGHH!'' Stef slammed the side of the van which made us all jump. Ash yelled back;

''No it's not my fault!! It's your fucking van! You should have filled it up!'' I could here Stef breathing heavily with frustration.

''Fuck you'' Stef said.. presumably to Ash.

''Hey.. hey guys. If it's anyone's fault it's mine. I only roughly knew where the club was, I didn't know the exact location'' Then I heard Stef's voice again;

''I knew it! You fucking douche! Ugh!'' There was an awful silence. Then Dru said;

''Well.. now what?

''We call the fucking AA that's what'' Stef said fiercely. Then Ash said;

''Well do you have signal?'' Stef sighed. 

''Fucking!... no I don't'' There was another silence;

''Me either''

''Nor me'' Yet another silence. Then we heard footsteps, walking towards the van. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

''Stef what are you doing?'' Dru asked.

''Getting the number for the AA, you know, for when we have signal'' Stef explained.

''Well where is it?'' Ash asked.

''Back of the van'' OH FUCKING HELL NO! SHIT, BOLLOCKS, COCK, FUCKINGGGG NOOOOO! Suddenly the door began to open and my heart literally stopped. I was about to see Stef, but worse, he was about to see me, and Tish, and Callie. Who he'd realize had been hiding in the back of his van for god knows how long. This was the moment Stefan Abingdon would hate me. With any luck he might faint and when he waked up he wouldn't remember any of it. Shit, this was it. The door was nearly fully open. Then it happened. Stef was standing, right in front of us, with Ash and Dru right behind him. To my surprise they didn't say anything, they just stood there, mouths open, in pure shock. A sudden boost of confidence made me say;

''Hey boys'' I smiled like a twat. This would not be fun.

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