Part 7 - Drunk Girls

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It had been over three hours since I had discovered that massive stash of Alcohol in the middle of the forest. I'd attempted to carry the content back to Stef's van but failed miserably. Ash and Stef had spotted me, immediately we all stopped playing 'hide and seek' and carried the booze back to Stef's van. It was now 5pm and we were all gathered round a campfire we had made out of loads of twigs and lit with Dru's lighter. It wasn't perfect but at least it was keeping us all warm. I was currently snuggled up to Stef; we each had a can of beer, as did everyone else. The only sound I could here was  the soft crackling of the small fire and the gentle sound of Stef's breath. Suddenly the soothing silence was interrupted by Dru;

''God I'm so bored!'' We sighed. I saw Callie playfully punch Dru's shoulder, he kissed the top of her head, they really were the cutest couple. I smirked. I had been secretly hiding the bottles of vodka and tequila from everyone but Stef. Tonight hadn't even started yet.

''Don't worry Dru, at least we have these'' I pulled the bottles from behind my back and watched in amusement as everyones eyes widened and mouthes opened.

''Was that with the beer?!'' Ash asked. I nodded;

''Yep. Sorry I've been hiding it from you guys, I just wanted to wait until the right moment'' I winked at Dru. He reached straight for the vodka;

''Hey hey! I found these, I'll decide how much you all have'' Dru frowned;

''You're no fun'' I smiled;

''But don't worry, when I get well and truly pissed, I probably won't care anymore'' Ash and Dru eyed the bottle as if willing me to drink it. I laughed and undid the bottle. It smelt so disgusting, I don't know anyone can like vodka. I tipped a little bit into the lid creating a miniature shot as I downed it in one. Stef frowned;

''Oh come on, we need proper shot glasses'' I looked up at him;

''Yeah to bad we don't have any'' He smiled cheekily;

''Be right back'' He kissed me on the cheek and ran to the van. A few moments later he returned with six real shot glasses, I gasped;

''Why didn't you tell me?'' He winked;

''So, who wants the first shot?''


I was fucked. As was everyone else. I'd had no idea how long I'd been drinking for but we'd already polished off the bottle of vodka and were now halfway through the tequila. I smiled, no idea what was happening. I hadn't seen Ash and Tish for at least an hour, having sex no doubt. Callie and Dru had gone off in a field somewhere, but I saw glimpses of them now and then. Stef was just stumbling around all over the place, right now he was lying on his back laughing. I lied down next to him and laughed with him. I grabbed the bottle of tequila and gestured his shot glass which was miraculously not broken;

''Nahh I'm good for now shweetie'' I smiled and kissed his nose;

''Suit yourself'' With that I downed a mouthful of tequila, he frowned slightly;

''Hey.. babe, don't Shoo think you've had enough?'' I smiled at him.

''I'm fine'' I stood up quickly with the world spinning around me. My vision was severely blurred but I didn't care at all. It felt amazing. It felt like I was in a dream and that I was capable of anything. I felt lightheaded, like I could float. I started walking around, dancing. I pulled Stef to his feet and we danced together, we must have looked extremely ridiculous but this moment felt so perfect. I never wanted it to end. My hands explored more of his body as his did the same to me. I was beginning to get hotter and hotter and Stef's hands had finally reached under my lower back and he pulled me up into his arms as we began making out fiercely. I roughly ran my fingers through his beautiful hair and I pulled him closer and closer. After a few more minutes we tumbled over and both started laughing. I rolled on top of him and stared deeply into his big brown eyes. 

''I love you'' I said, my voice thick with alcohol. He smiled revealing his perfectly imperfect teeth.

''I love you more'' I began giggling again as I felt even more out of control;

''I doubt that hehe'' He placed a gentle, sweet kiss on my lips;

''I mean it, you're everything to me'' I nearly started crying. I was finding it hard to understand this whole saturation as I clearly wasn't thinking straight. Stef wasn't making sense, there's no way he could love me more than I love him;

''Baby don't be silly, I love you more than anything in the world, even before I met you I loved you'' My voice broke with emotion as I felt a hot tear stream down my face with more following. Stef kissed away the tears and put his forehead against mine;

''Listen to me, from the moment I saw you I knew you were special, you are so unbelievably beautiful inside and out, you're too good for me Jemma. I'm lucky that you love me nearly as much as I love you. These past two days have been the best of my life, because I've been able to spend them with you'' The tears were coming fast now, my face becoming saturated with salty water as I began sobbing. I sat up; still sat on Stef as I put my head in my hands and cried pathetically. I was unsure to whether they were happy or sad tears. My emotions were going crazy and I didn't understand how Stefan Abingdon could feel that way about me. It was just to good to be true. Stef sat up and our heads were centimeters apart. Though sobs I managed to say;

''Do you....r-really.... m-mean that?'' He smiled and kissed me;

''Of course I do, you're everything I've ever wanted and more'' I was about to respond when I saw something out the corner of my eye, my vision was extremely blurry but I knew what it was. It was a light! No, two lights! HEADLIGHTS! It was a car! I stood up immediately and steadied myself, Stef was quick to follow me;

''What wrong, are you okay?!'' He put his arm on my shoulder, I swivlled round with a beaming smile on my face and kissed him;

''There's a car!!'' I pointed in the direction of the headlights, he followed me gaze;

''Oh my god it is!'' I jumped up and down with excitement. 

''We can finally go home! Or.. back to your place!'' I winked at him and he smiled so adorably. I kissed him again;

''I love you, never forget that'' I said happily. He smiled;

''Ditto'' I ran over to get a better view of the car and waved my arms.

''Heyyy! Please stop! We need help!'' I noticed the car wasn't close enough to see us yet so I stopped acting like an idiot. Suddenly Dru, Callie, Ash and Tish appeared out of nowhere to see what the fuss was all about.

''What's happening?!'' Tish said, out of breath, I jumped up again;

''Look there's a car!'' Everyone followed my finger;

''Oh my god! Wow it really is!'' Callie said excitedly. We were all smiling full of happiness and relief. Stef suddenly said;

''Hey everyone get out of the road it's getting closer'' Everyone took a step back; except for me. Stef ran up to me ''Jemma get out of the road come on!'' I frowned and reluctantly got out of the road. We all waited impatiently for another 10 seconds or so, when suddenly the car was in perfect view still going at full speed, it wasn't going to stop! I pulled out of Stef's grip and ran into the road waving my arms frantically;

''Hey! Stop!'' My heart seemed to stop beating as the headlights were suddenly blinding and I heard the sickening screech of car tires. I was to shocked to move. I heard Stef's bloodcurdling scream as he shouted;

''NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!'' Other screams from Tish, Callie, Ash and Dru followed. I braced myself as I suddenly felt a massive blow to my chest which took the breath out of me, I took one last look at  Stef's horror struck face as the world went black.

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