Part 5 - First Night

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Pic is of Callie (Played by Ariana Grande) Video is 'The Midnight Beast - Begging' there isn't an official music video for this so I just got a lyric video, it's okay though the song is awesome;) It applys to this chapter.. kinda, enjoy!x


It was midnight and we'd all somehow fit inside the back of my van. We only had our phones to use as a light source as the van was completely dead. Thankfully I was sat next to Jemma, well I say sat next to, she was pretty much sat on me, I wasn't complaining though. It hadn't really sunk in that I was stuck in the middle of nowhere with my two best friends and three girls I hardly knew, the worst part was we had no way of getting back to civilisation.

''Oi, pass me a pork pie will you'' Dru suddenly said, breaking the soothing silence. I frowned, he was pointing at me. I looked down to my left where there was a packet of half eaten pork pies, I shuddered, I hated the disgusting things;

''Okay, but you do know there made with parts of pigs feet right?'' He shrugged;

''I don't care, they taste lushhh'' I made a disgusted face and quickly threw one at him, it hit him in the face, we all laughed;

''Yeah, thanks mate!'' I put my thumb up;

''Welcome'' Again we were surrounded by silence. There wasn't much to talk about considering we'd already established where we were and what the situation was. Jemma nudged my shoulder, I saw she was holding a twix, I smiled;

''Thanks'' I took it and ate it slowly, savouring every little bit, we had very little food left.

''Ash come on, why can't I touch your hair?'' I heard Tish say in a pathetic begging voice. I looked over and noticed she was attempting to touch Ash's hair.

''Because babe... you might mess it up'' She sighed and pouted;

''I'm sorry, let me make it up to you'' Right before our eyes she leaned in and started making out with Ash. Brilliant. The remaining four of us shifted around uncomfortably as Ash and Tish didn't seem bothered they were snogging in front of all of us. I put my arm around Jem and she snuggled closer to me. It was cold in the van but I felt so warm cuddling Jemma.

''Dru.. are you okay?'' Callie asked, concerned. I looked up to see Dru wiping his eye. I sighed. Sometimes he still gets emotional about his Dad. He sniffed;

''Yeah.. I-I'm okay'' She didn't look convinced.

''Are you sure? You're crying babe'' He forced a smile;

''S-sorry I'm just being silly, I just thought about my Dad'' Callie looked really sympathetic.

''Awww baby, come here'' She put both her arms around him and kissed his forehead. They continued to cuddle. They really were adorable, not like Ash and Tish who were still buried in each others faces, and progressing. Tish had already managed to get Ash's shirt off. I rolled my eyes. If I knew Ash, this wasn't going to slow up anytime soon. I looked down at Jemma's perfectly sculpted face and said;

''You alright?'' She smiled revealing her dimple.

''Yeah I'm great, you?'' I smiled back;

''Never better, except for those two over there'' I gestured to Ash and Tish. She giggled;

''Yeah I know what you mean, and if I know Tish, she won't be stopping anytime soon'' I smiled. They really were perfect for each other;

''Well they can't do it in my van, that's where I draw the line'' She laughed, I saw Dru smile. He heard me.

''Yeah me too, I will literally jump on Tish if I have to'' I smiled at her.

''Hahaa, same, but to Ash''

''Yeah we should do it at the same time, that would really put them off'' I chuckled, she was funny, cute, smart. She really was my ideal girl.

''You know when we get out of this mess, I need to come back to your house and you have to play me something'' I said to her. Earlier today I'd learned she played the guitar, just like me. She squeezed my arm;

''Of course, but you have to return the offer, you know, when we go to your flat'' She winked.

''Definitely!'' A hug smile spread across her face, damn she was beautiful. For the second time I was tempted to kiss her, but I suddenly became nervous. I didn't want to ruin things between us. I'd only just met her but I'd never felt this way around a girl before. We were just staring at each other. Her eyes were seriously stunning, milk chocolate with specs of gold. Suddenly she said;

''I do have one question..'' She said with a cheeky smile;

''Yes?'' I said trying to return the flirty tone, but I just sounded creepy.

''When were you planning on kissing me?'' I was stunned, she really wanted me to kiss her? I couldn't stop the massive smile that spread across my face. I didn't reply, instead I leaned in and our lips crashed together. I felt everything you were supposed to feel. Electricity rushing through my entire body, fireworks going off in my stomach, this kiss felt so right. As the kiss got deeper and deeper our lips moved in perfect harmony and we moulded together so perfectly. After a couple of minutes I got impatient and grazed my tongue across her bottom lip begging for entry, she smiled but kept her mouth closed, teasing me no doubt. I gently bit her bottom lip which made her gasp, I took this as my opportunity and forced my tongue through her lips, we both smiled into the kiss and continued. For the next ten minutes we carried on this perfect kiss as our tongues slowly slipped over each other repeatedly. It was mesmerizing. I explored the inside of her mouth and she did the same to me. As the kiss got more passionate she grabbed my hair with both hands and pulled me closer. I grabbed her waist and pulled her on top of me.

''Whoa now, you're not the only ones in this van'' I heard Dru's voice but it was just a distant whisper, everything around me was blurry, I was only able to focus on Jemma. She grinded her hips against me impattiontly, but we both knew this was as far as we would be able to go tonight. She let out a tiny moan which turned me on even more. We contiued to kiss for the next ten minutes and then came to an agonising stop. We both sat up in exasperration. Breathing fast. She smiled at me, her hair messy and eyes full of lust. I smiled back.

''Well I'm glad that's over, it was like watching mild porn'' Jemma and I both laughed at Callie's remark. Her and Dru were both snuggled against each other under a thin blanket. I cautiously looked over to Ash and Tish not wanting to see how far they'd gone. To my surprise they had both fallen asleep.... half naked. Ash had his arm around Tish and her back was to him. They didn't have a blanket over them but I'm guessing they didn't need it. I turned back to Jemma and her eyes were greedy and lustful. 

''That was... amazing'' She said, still out of breath;

''I know right'' I smiled and she smiled back. I crawled back over to her and both my arms around her pulling her into a warm embrace and kissed the top of her head;

''Stef... I think I... love you'' I took a sharp intake of breath, my heart was pounding fiercly. Did she really just say that? I'd never been so happy in my entire life, she felt the same way, we barely knew each other but that didn't matter.

''I love you too Jemma'' She smiled her beautiful smile.

''Hey I'm really hot'' I raised one eyebrow wondering where she was going with this. She casually lifted her top over her head revealing her blue lacy bra. She wasn't bothered that Dru was also staring at her. I gave him a warning glance and he turned his attention back to a fully clothed Callie. She smiled at my shocked face;

''Me too'' I unexpectedly said. With a sudden burst of confidence I lifted my shirt over my head revealing my skinny chest. She smiled and kissed my chest. 

''Sleep?'' She suggested. I was pretty tired.

''Yeah sure'' We snuggled down at the back of the van, using my Midnight Beast hoodie as a pillow. I scanned the space looking for something we could use as a blanket, I saw my old blanket that was covered with batman and pulled that over us. She smiled;

''Cute'' I smiled;

''Not really'' I gave her a goodnight kiss as we settled down tangled in each others arms. After a few minutes I gently fell into the solf silk of sleep.

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