hello !

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hi um...i barely ever come on this app but i've been reading the comments lately and i'm seeing a lot of minors brag about reading mature content on here. please remember that this is not something you should be proud of. you're young, vulnerable, this type of content isn't something you should be familiar with at such a young age. it can fuck you up big time, i'm speaking from experience. i was ignorant to even include mature content in this book before rewriting it so i apologise for that.

and please remember that these fanfictions you read consist of real people with real lives, sexualising them is a terrible thing to do...especially if it's extremely explicit. this could also lead to the fetishisation of mlm relationships. sexualities are not an aesthetic or content that you get to feel pleasure out of, there are real people facing discrimination every day because of their sexual orientation and it hurts to see our lives being so hypersexualised.

anyways um...sorry this got a little too serious but it had to be said because i felt like the comments were just having a battle over who discovered mature content first. 

thank you for reading! 

sending lots of love your way <3<3

sending lots of love your way <3<3

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