Our story (5)

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Class 12th arrived and it resulted in some major changes in Neil's behaviour.

He became calm and composed. The boy who used to be impatient was transformed into patient person. He used to think wisely now as he took a lot of wrong decisions in his impulsiveness. When he started thinking deeply about his life, a question conquered his mind, Did Avni really betrayed him ? He used to think about this and cursed himself for not having a brief explanation of that matter. Though maturity was changing his personality but his love for Avni remain the same.

Avni on the other side noticed these changes in his persona and thought that its beneficial for him as his egoistic nature always ruins his relations and works.

His habits and thinking style was changing with time but his staring sessions were increasing day by day. If he would get a chance to be around her then he would leave his everything just to be near her and admire her without any restrictions. He was that excited electron and Avni was his source of energy. Her smile can light up his dull face. He never wanted to leave her and still he wanted her back in his life but time have changed and now things have become pretty much awkward between them.

Months passed at their own pace and the day of celebrating the eternal friendships arrived. It was friendship day, so the entire class 12th decided to cut the cake in the name of friendship as it was their last year in school. They all cut the cake and fed each other happily. After feeding session, students started their cake fight. Vidyut along with Ali targeted Avni and started her cake make over, Avni tried to stop them but they didn't stopped. Avni also threw cake on them and all were laughing at each other. Neil smiled seeing Avni smiling and enjoying. Avni felt bad for him so she gestured Vidyut to target Neil for cheering him up. Vidyut took some cake and applied on Neil while Anish also did the same. Even Riya applied a handful of icing on Neil. He became shocked and started responding to their attacks. Soon, he was also covered with cake and was laughing whole heartedly. Somewhere he was having an idea that Avni asked them to involve him in this event but he wasn't sure about this.

Avni pulled Riya along with her and took her out of the class.

Riya - Dude are you nuts ? You scared me. ( huffs )

Avni - Stop your drama you over dramatic queen and listen to me.

Riya - My eardrums aren't working anymore.

Avni - Riya I swear I will kill you.

Riya - Omg !! You are a murderer. ( gasps )

Avni - You are reacting as if you are  getting orgasms. ( smirks )

Riya - Fuck off !! Your non veg brain is always at work. ( grits her teeth )

Avni - Aww...

Riya - Stop your awwwwwww... and all. Tell me what you need.

Avni - Here take this. ( forwarding a friendship band to her )

Riya - Avu thank you so much. ( happily )

Avni - This is not for you.

Riya - Wth !! ( shocked )

Avni giggles

Riya - Mera toh l..o..l... lol ho gya. ( pouts ) ( you have made fun of me )

Avni - Sweetheart, we will going out for a movie after school.

Riya - Okay!! It's cool then. ( smiles ) Now, please don't tell me that I have to give this band to Neil.

Avni - You have to.

Riya - Are you serious Avni ? ( unbelievably )

Avni - See, I want to gift him this cos it's the last year of school.

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