Welcome To HollyHood: 2

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Welcome to HollyHood: Part 2

Multimedia/Photo: A lil party pic of Crash and Candy (not necessarily what they look like)


Dre smirked as he gripped me firmly as we were still in the pool. He leaned in heavily breathing making me panic. As he brought his lips to mine I moved my face away, not because I didn't want to kiss him but I didn't want to shake our relationship.

He broke me from my thoughts kissing on my neck moving up to my face. "Relax b, look at me real quick" he whispered to me turning my face to his.

"What's up?" He asked concerned leaning his forehead on mines. I was so surprised that he was actually concerned.

"Ever since I've started looking after my sister I've never had time for friends let alone relationships and now having Sariah, Jay and everyone I'm just getting used to it with you I've never been able to figure out what's different about our relationship"

"Nothing wrong with figuring it out"

"We have so much going on-"

Before I finished he leaned in slowly pulling my lips into his kissing me passionately.

"You think too much girl" he smiled licking his lips. "Your right, we can figure it out as we go, I ain't been in any kind of relationship since Angel." I nodded understandingly.

"How we sure this going to work, Dre .. I-" I stopped talking when he just looked at me, almost repeating what he said earlier without saying anything. "Don't give me that look Dre, like I said we got you much going on"

"So you honestly don't even want to figure it out, take it as we go along .. what nothing?" He seem confused completely missing my point.

"I don't not want to be with you, in just-"

"To scared to take a risk with me" I put my head down knowing he was right. "At least let yourself figure out what it is between us, I won't bite you know" he joked making me laugh.

"Hate to ruin the moment but I'm getting cold" I giggled as Dre lifted me out the pool with him. He put me down at the outdoor seating area we all were sitting at. We sat on the sofa after I had put on Dre's crew neck, with my legs curled up, knees placed on his lap and his arm around my shoulders.

"You free tomo'?" he spoke softly playing with my hair which was now soaked.

"I'm actually taking the sis to Grandma's you know how much of a journey that is" I pouted.

"Then I'm taking you, Angel with her mum till next so I'm all yours babygirl"

"Your too sweet" I laughed leaning in to kiss him, I sat up as he pulled me closer kissing him deeply.

"Is that a yes to me then?" he smirked as I pulled away.

"It's a yes to us .. taking a risk"

"Ahem, ahem, ahem-" we broke apart to see who was interrupting us.

"Ashley" Dre coughed out sitting up. "What you doing here, where Angel?"

"So much for nothing going on, you only got time for Angel?" She spat at Dre glaring at me, I didn't need this.

"Ashley the fuck I tell you about all your drama! Now where the hell my daughter at?" One thing about Andre he got the shortest fuse especially when it come to to Angel.

"She Upstairs" she sighed in defeat. "But I'm just saying last week you was all talkin bout only needing Angel and no-"

"Ashley why you even here, you was complaining I had Ashley so damn long and you got her for the week and you bringing her back" He spoke to her while examining my face worried about my silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2015 ⏰

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