Here we are

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"Fuck, why do you make this so hard" Nicki yelled passing the room

"Because i need u nicki why dont you love me" Beyonce cried

"Because i dont can u just comprehend that and leave me alone" Nicki screamed pushing Beyonce

"You know what fuck you nicki and imma find someone that wants me fa me" Beyonce said getting up off the ground

"Whatever, do what you need to do" Nicki said non chelantly

"One day you gone want me back" Beyonce said dusting herself off

"And untill that day keep moving"

"Why do you treat me this way"

"Because it is me and im roothless" nicki said and shoowed her to walk home

"Oh and Beyonce" she yelled

"Yes" i turned around with a voice full of hope

" i dont wanna see thoss damn kids no more either"

Damn that left me distraught. As Beyonce walked down a empty street she wobbled and she tried to keep balance holding her dag of clothes and her heels. She thought her life was over. As she dwealed on what just happened she cried and her vision became blurry. Shhe felt useless. She could walk or run so she colapsed. She laid on the side of a empty street at 2 am on a saturday and just cried. As she cried she heard a big black jaguar race past her but the person in the drivers seat say her and revearsed to her. She noticed but never stood up. As she heard the foot steps get closer she peeked up and seen some classic Tims

"Hi" a femake voice whispered so gently

I peeked up and i was met with the nost beautiful creation if ever seen in my life

"Hey" i sniffled

"Whats wrong" she said laced with concern

"I just lost a part of me" i said and felt the stinging get even more intense

"Well maybe i could help you find it' she whispers and starts to pick all my things up from scattered around the side of the street

"Maybe you can" i looked up at her with hopeful eyes

"Here! Get in do you need a ride" she says helping me up

"Thanks" i sniffled

"Alright Mi Amor whats your name"

"Beyoncé Giselle"

"Alright nice one whats your name"

"You can call me Kehlani"

"Alright keh your really nice why are you some nice to me"

"Because i see something in you that can fix me"

The rest of the ride was "new"


But im sure you want to know how me and nick started😒

We been on and off for 15 fucking years, note i said on and OFF reason is because this bitch could never get out off the fucking game😔 she never wanted to she enjoyed the house while i take care of our 13 fucking children together by myself 25/8!!!I thought iff i stayed long enough she would get tired of her house and stay wit me. Thats what cause our argument not even a day ago. All she does is think about herself. Now im trying to move forward imI dont need her but I know for a fact that she needed me.

~~~~~~~~Present time~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Alright Mi Amor we're here"

Her saying that nocked me out of my thoughts

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