Your mine

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Arïya POV

Yesterday was really fun, I like the Union girls alot. I woke up Kamarïe and we both looked at eachother and ran to jump in mom and dads room. We ran in and once we were on the bed I jumped on moms back while K jumped on dads back.

Ugh damn Rïya you dont gotta jump so hard she said pulling me under her while she layed on me. No momma i said giggling and kicking while she faced sleep on me. I looked to the side of me to see K struggling under daddy too, I started to kiss momma on the nose and she scrunched her nose trying not to smile. Mommy i said as I started to play in her thick soft hair. Kk baby what are u doing to daddy I looked over and seen Kamarïe playing with daddy's nails while sitting on her chest.
Mommy looks really pretty in the morning.

Mommy you look really pretty me and K said in unison before attcking her with kisses

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Mommy you look really pretty me and K said in unison before attcking her with kisses. Ok ok this my wife I should get this kiss first daddy said as she leaned over and kisses mommy. I wouldn't be suprised if they got married they have been dating for about 3 months but I dont think thats how the real world works ya know, but whatever. Dad picked me up while mom picked up k, we then went to the bathroom and got ready together. They they carried us to our room and put us in matching outfits.

There crowns for my princesses daddy said and pecked both of us on the lips

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There crowns for my princesses daddy said and pecked both of us on the lips.

Omminesent POV

Bey and Keh went to their room to get dressed for the day. Keh had a meeting at Club X while Bey had a modeling gig to go too. Bey never woke the kids but left a note of the refrigerator and kisses each kid on the lips before leaving. She made it to her gig and it went fairly slow she was their for most of the day but what she was really worried about was Kehlani being in that club without her. She didn't wanna think about it but alot of women wanted Kehlani, god could this shit go any slower she thougt to herself and they gave her new wardrobe and started to do her hair and makeup. I trust her she repeated to herself over and over again looking at the both of them on her lockscreen.


As I drived to the club, I wasn't really worried about the kids I called my right hand girl Rita to ask if she could watch them and ofcourse she said yea. She said she was leaving Robyn's place, but I wasn't really that suspicious because they fucks wit eachother and they gots babies together. They just dont live with Robs because Rita has custody. She wouldn't let Rob see the kids because Robs is my partner in crime and she ain't want her babies around that street shit, but now she coo wit Rob seeing the babies ever since Rita started working for me. Yea they both my sisters I would take a bullet fa them with no hesitation. Anyways when I pulled up I got out dressed wit street class, but it suits me the ladies love it- what the fuck am I saying I gots my baby Bey my queen, my Angel, the love of my life i thought shaking my head

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