The Promise

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Everything slowly came into focus. I glanced at my surroundings, trying to figure out where I was. I was in the middle of a stone room with no windows. The only light came from a candle, the last bit of flames slowly flickering out.

I appeared to be alone, so I did what any thief would: I attempted to escape. I leaned forward ignoring the scream of pain my head sent my way. My ankles had been bound and my wrists were tied behind my back. The idea of escape suddenly felt a little less realistic.

I sighed and slumped back against the wall. The stone was cold, and it jolted me to my senses. Maybe I could call for help.

I opened my mouth to scream but a hand clamped firmly over my mouth.

"Nice try, little one," a leering voice whispered, "It will take a lot more than that."

In the dark I hadn't realized I was not alone. The truth is the words sunk in. Whatever they wanted with me, they would get it, and my family would no longer have me to help take care of them. I had immediately thought of a snappy remark, but I bit my tongue. All my bravado had disappeared.

"What do you want with me?" I choked, surprised at how weak I sounded.

"Can't tell ya, sonny. It's not my place. Don't even know what it is myself."

"Who's place is it?" I murmured.

"As I said before, that is confidential information. Orders are orders."

"And who do you take orders from?" I wanted to know more. Could this be part of some conspiracy?

I jumped as a door I hadn't realized was there swung open. In the doorway stood the man from the market. With a sinking feeling inside, I recognized him as the man from the alley, too.

"He takes orders from me." He said coldly. "Thank you, Desta. I will speak with him alone."

Desta got up, bowed hastily to the figure, and quickly left the room.

The man turned to me. After what seemed like a small eternity, he spoke.

"I suppose a mind as brilliant as your own would begin to speculate why you are here."

I had frozen. My heart beat so fast I thought it would burst. This must be the lower levels of the government building. I had never been inside, and this was a very poor first time inside a building as grand as this one.

The man was looking at me expectantly, as if waiting for me to state one of my theories about him. I chose to disappoint him.

"I'm sure you've guessed, haven't you?" He prodded.

I exploded, "If you're looking for a slave, then choose some brainless follower who will willingly answer any stupid question you desire."

He looked at me with a strange glint in his eyes. What was it? Pride? Regret? Pain?

"I'm not looking for a follower. I'm looking for a leader." The man said.

Don't give him satisfaction, I reminded myself.

"So, you want me to enslave you? Very well, I accept."

I was rewarded with a slap across the face. It stung, but I looked the man right in his icy eyes.

"Sir, please tell me what you want. I have a home to get back to." Whatever he had expected, it certainly wasn't that.

"So brave," he said softly. He pulled a blade out of his cloak. I flinched away. Instead of slashing at me, he cut at the ropes that bound me. When he had finished he issued a single command. "Follow me."

What choice did I have but to comply?


Sitting in the man's office was no less intimidating. It was more of an interrogation chamber. He paced back and forth before addressing me.

"Do you know who I am?"

I shook my head.

He sighed, "No, I wouldn't expect you to. My name is Zhane Ekon. Does that mean anything yet?"

"Don't you work for the king?"

"Exactly. Your mother is D'hara Dixx, is she not?"

The question took me by surprise. "She is, sir, but that still doesn't answer any of my questions."

Ekon frowned, but continued. "She is a smart woman. It is evident she passed knowledge onto you. I suppose she has kept you up with news on the rebels."

I was getting frustrated. "Yes, I have heard the rumors. Everyone does, but the rebels have nothing to do with you abducting me," I spat. "Get to the point."

"The latest rumor has been about a team organized to fight rebels, as I'm sure you've heard. Now I am confirming them. We are, in fact, creating a force to deal with the rebels. Do you know why?"

My mind flashed back to last rebel attack on the city.

"D'hara, he's beautiful," his father whispered. He held newborn Cameron close to his heart.

We were all there, sharing a happy moment together for the last time.

There was a loud crash from far off. I remember how Father had jumped up to investigate. He has handed Cameron to Torynnë.

"Keep him safe." With that, he was gone. Gone with the other men. Gone to check out the noise. We all hid.

I remember little Ashanti crying, Jabari frantically trying to conceal the twins under a pile of blankets, and the horrified look on Mother's face.

By the time the night was over, Torynnë was the man of the house. We had lost everything.

I tried not to cry. Ekon could never see my weakness. Unfortunately, he already did.

"Yes, last month's attack was a rather nasty one. But we could stop them. No more death, no more suffering."

I dried my eyes. "You want me to join you?"

"We want you to make whatever decision you feel is right. You were born a leader. Though you are still young, people will follow you. We need people like that. I'm sure you would love nothing more than to go back to feeding scraps to your family. However, if you join us, I'm sure your family's status would be... greatly elevated. Are you with us?" 

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