Out For Blood

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I instantly knew I had made a mistake. Rowan had lightning-quick reflexes, and easily caught hold of my arm. She had pinned me down, face in the sand so I could hardly breathe. 

"Don't ever try that again, Terynn Dixx." She snapped. 

"I can still shout for help, you know." I pointed out. I found this pretty funny, but she didn't. She awarded me a sharp slap on the cheek.

"You wouldn't dare. They aren't on your side and you know it! But just to be sure..." Rowan trailed off. What was this new devilry she had planned?

She kicked me over, (not too gently, might I add), and proceeded to tie a price of cloth tightly over my mouth.

Oh, so this was her plan! How am I going to get out of this one? ...easily...

"Rowan!" Came Sam's angry voice. "Why did you-"

"It was to avoid complications!" Rowan exploded. "Remember what happened the last time, Sam?"

Sam blushed. "That was a beginner's mistake!"

Rowan kicked him. "You're just jealous. Now get him-," here she indicated me, "- back to base."

"Excuse me, what?" I asked sweetly, spitting out the gag. Easy as pie. If these amateurs thought they could trick the government into letting them join the same battalion as me so they could abduct me and sell me for ransom, then they were stupider than I had anticipated.

The look on Rowan's face was perfect. "Wha- how?"

I laughed. "If you honestly think a simple thing like that could hold me..."

Sam laughed too, "Who's making beginner's mistakes now, Rowan?"

"He-" Rowan pointed at me, "-is not normal. Far from it. Why else would they wanted him so bad?"

I was beginning to get annoyed. "Look, since we both know I could easily hurt you and escape back to Ekon, you need to tell me everything instead of leaving me in the dark. Otherwise I may not consider leaving you with your life."

To tell the truth, Rowan could break my neck in a second, and Sam, although previously innocent seeming, was probably just as deadly. However, throwing a threat or two around can be helpful in turning an interrogation around.

Rowan crossed her arms. "I doubt you could kill us. You've never killed and you don't want to, trust me."

A hollow sort of expression came over her. You've never killed and you don't want to, trust me. What was that supposed to mean?

"Fine." I said. "Say I don't kill you, and go straight to Ekon?"

"You wouldn't dare!" Rowan said, a hint of panic apparent on her pale face. 

"Why wouldn't I?" I shot back.

"Because." Rowan said. "Because we're on the same team."

"Rowan, no offense, but you have no clue who's team I'm on." 

"Sure I do. We're filthy street vermin. You're filthy street vermin. Same team." 

To this day, I'm not sure if Rowan was joking or being dead serious. So I gave nervous laugh. "Then tell me what you know." 

Rowan sighed. "I can't tell you. Wish I could. We know what they did to your brother, and why you joined. We know that you pretend to be their little pet, while meanwhile only doing it to protect your family. So, we know that any 'loyalty' you claim now is fake. You're on no one's side but your own."

I nodded. "Quite right. Now let me go. If I go missing in action, Ekon will do everything in his power to hurt my family. I need to rejoin the others as soon as possible." 

Sam smirked. "That's our plan, but don't forget this conversation. And remember- they're out for blood." 

He released me. Rowan shot him a look. "We're letting him go?" 

"I've got a plan, don't worry." Sam said. "Run, Terynn! Go back, they won't have missed you. Stay with them. We'll be back. Go!" 

I didn't need to be told twice. Why was everyone out to get me all of a sudden? 

I scrambled back, and managed to get in line unnoticed. The endless heat from the sun made me dizzy. It was like before, but without Sam and Rowan. Who were they? What was going on?


Torynnë was worried. Terynn was off fighting in a war that hadn't officially begun yet, for the wrong side! Terynn was still young, how could he know what to do? 

Terynn had promised that everything would be alright, but would it? His younger brother must have been off in some military camp far out in the desert, many miles from home, and it was all because Torynnë had failed to protect him. 

Bitter tears of frustration spilled down his cheeks. It was time to take matters into his own hands. Still a little sore, he sat up gently. He tested each floorboard for creeks before stepping on them. 

Torynnë grabbed a cloak near the door, and slipped it on to conceal his identity. It was much too big, and he was enveloped in the dark fabric. Not risking the door, Torynnë cautiously climbed out to open window. 

Ashanti murmured something and rolled over in her sleep. Torynnë froze. Her breathing steadied again, and Torynnë let out his breath. 

That was close!

Then a thought occured to him. A horrid, drastic thought.

Who would want Terynn? He's witty, ambitious, and a good thief, but they have people like that already. Is he... bait? 

Torynnë thought for a moment. It was surely a trap, but he was, as he often joked, his brother's guardian angel. Torynnë slipped into the shadows, and whispered a promise, a nearly silent vow.

"You won't get my brother. Ever."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2019 ⏰

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