Chapter 4

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"Dad, its Uncle Regulus," said Rigel. Sirius turned around to see his brother Regulus at a distance. Regulus caught sight of him and Rigel and approached them.

"Hi Uncle Regulus," Rigel greeted him.

"How are you, Rigel?" asked Regulus, stroking his nephew's hair as they exchanged greetings. "Sirius" he greeted his brother courteously.

"Regulus," Sirius returned the greeting.

"Will you ever be paying a visit to Grimmauld Place?" asked Regulus.

"Why? I've severed my ties with that dreadful place," said Sirius dismissively.

"But mother passed away years ago. She's no longer there and I'm sure father would welcome you," Regulus appealed.

Sirius looked uncertainly at Rigel before turning back to his brother. "He certainly doesn't welcome me with my muggle-born wife and half-blood son."

"Father is ill," said Regulus, grimly.

Sirius's brows are furrowed and face is contorted as his hand got busy adjusting his cuffs.

"He'd really like to see you and your family. That includes both your wife and son too," Regulus pressed on. "Father has softened in his old age and illness".

"Well ... I ... I don't know," said Sirius, confused. "I'll ... think about it".

"Alright," Regulus shrugged. "Take your time".

"Alright Regulus," came James's voice who had walked over with Harry and Daniel. Father and sons were carrying a stack of books and magazines from the Quidditch section.

After a brief hospitable exchange with his brother's best friend, Regulus excused himself, saying he had a sick father to attend to.

"Dad, are we visiting grandfather?" asked Rigel.

Sirius put an arm around his son. "We'll see, son. We'll see."

James looked questioningly at Sirius who looked visibly pale with furrowed brows. He signaled James that he would fill him in later as they were joined by Remus and Max.

"Dad, look," a puzzled Abby ran over with the Daily Prophet. "Curious isn't it?" she asked as she handed the paper over to James.

James narrowed his eyes as he saw the headline on the paper Abby had handed him.

St. Mungo's Hospital and Belleview Orphanage robbed of centuries old records on the same night.

July, 31st: There was a break-in and robbery at St. Mungo's and Belleview Orphanage last night. Nothing was stolen accept St. Mungo's birth records from the thirteenth century and Belleview's orphanage records from the same century. It is believed to be the work of the same person with a common motive for both crimes as records from the same century were stolen from both places. It is curious indeed as to what a person could want with birth records and orphanage records from the thirteenth century. Aurors are doing their best to investigate and get to the bottom of this case.

James and his friends had stopped subscribing to The Daily Prophet years ago as it had turned into a propaganda spreading outlet for Tom Riddle and his political party.

"Why would anyone want birth records from eight centuries ago?" asked Harry as Abby looked just as curious as her brother.

"I wish I knew," James shrugged. He looked at Sirius and Remus but they looked just as clueless as him.

The Marauders and their children exited Flourish and Blotts with their purchases to see a limousine pull up in front of the store. A tall man with pale skin and dark eyes exited the backdoor of the vehicle. His black hair was graying but his very handsome face had aged well and still turned heads. It was Minister of Magic, Tom Riddle Jr. who was immediately bombarded by the press that had to be held back by his bodyguards.

The reporters continuously questioned him at the same time that the noise was deafening and hardly any of their questions could be heard.

"Calm yourselves. I will answer one question at a time," said Tom, holding out his hand to control the crowd.

Harry had to begrudgingly admire how Tom effortlessly controlled the crowd with such authority and charisma.

"Minister Riddle, what's your take on the recent robbery at St. Mungo's and Belleview?" asked a reporter.

"There's nothing more to remark on the matter. The Aurors and the Ministry are doing their best to solve the case. You will certainly be informed on any updates," said Tom.

The reporters continued exasperating Tom with questions until he caught sight of James.

"If it isn't James Potter," said Tom with perked up interest as the press's attention turned towards the hazel eyed wizard. "Bring him here," he ordered his bodyguards who obliged.

"Isn't it a wonderful photo opportunity for the Daily Prophet? The Minister of Magic with James Potter, seeker of the Phoenix Pioneers," said Tom Riddle, putting his arm around an uncomfortable James as the press clicked pictures of them.

It was James's turn to be bombarded by questions about his team and his upcoming retirement.

"Why's Riddle being all chummy with dad all of a sudden?" asked Harry.

"Probably because he wanted to deflect from having to answer questions on the robbery," said Remus. "He probably knows your father's upcoming retirement would be of interest."

"Why would dad go along with it?" asked Abby.

"Because he risks Riddle making his career difficult for him if he doesn't," Remus explained.

"Do you think Riddle is involved in the ordeal and that's why he's deflecting?" asked Sirius suspiciously.

"Probably. I wouldn't put it past him," said Remus.

This made Harry more curious about the robbery. Was Tom Riddle involved in the robbery? What did he want with records from the thirteenth century?

"My grandson would be starting Hogwarts in the fall along with Potter's son," Tom said with his most charming smile. "Isn't that right Potter?"

"Yes.. sir," James said awkwardly.

Harry saw his father breathe a sigh of relief as Tom and the press finally let him go. He noticed the three Marauders exchange knowing looks as James rejoined his family and friends.

"Dad, you might want to buy tomorrow's Daily Prophet because you'll be on the front page, said Daniel who was smiling enigmatically as James gave the back of his younger son's head a light, playful smack.


To be continued

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