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"Oh Jeezums... Where do I go..?" You asked yourself, wondering around the many open hallways throughout UCLA. How in the world were you supposed to find your way on your own?

"Excuse me!" A loud, Irish voice called behind you. You turned around and stood on the tips of your toes to see the person calling out. When you stretched yourself, you noticed a hand waving in the distance.

Figuring that they were flagging down the only lost person in the building - you -, you followed the hands position until the crowd died down for you to see a young man with bright green hair waving and smiling at you.

"Yeah! Over here!" He yelled excitedly. You laughed at his personality, and soon felt comforted by his presence, You made your way over to him, now noting his blue zip up, with the white hoodie ties ever so slightly off.

"Hey!" You replied back, trying to match his energy.

"Hellooooo, Ms. (L/n). My name is Jack." He greeted, holding out his hand. You were surprised by his formal gesture, but quickly returned his action by shaking his hand, "I'm here to be your tour guide of sorts. You know, show you around the place. I've been told that you don't come to L.A. often."

"Nice to meet you, Jack. Well, I've never been anywhere remotely close to the west coast, so you could say that." You joked, a smile plastered on your face. He gave you a friendly smile in return as the two of you dropped hands.

"That's alright! I'll be here for as long as you need me. I'm a student here too, so maybe we could hang out." He proposed, lifting a burden off of your shoulders. You were so worried about finding friends here, but it seems that fate was smiling down upon you.

"That'd be awesome." You answered, trying to kept your excitement as concealed as possible.

"Sweet. Now, let's start with the tour."


"Oh, so you had to move into an apartment building?" He asked, confusion on his face as he searched for your history class.

"Unfortunately. But I think that I can make it work. It's a very cozy, little space, so it shouldn't cause me too many problems." You explained to him. You were genuinely excited about living by yourself for a bit and not having to worry about a roommate, "But if I ever go stir crazy, could I come and visit you?" You asked, earning a laugh from the boy.

"Of course. And I don't have any roommates, since I'm the R.A. on the floor. It'd be a perfect place to study." He said, lifting your spirits.

"Oh my God. I'm so glad you said that. I need a study partner like, desperately. I don't know how I'll fair with all of these classes.."

"Ah, don't sweat it. You'll do great. And we'll have each others backs. But that means that you'll have to help me study. And I'm not nearly as committed as you'd think I am. Why do you think I do tours, and have the responsibility of being an R.A.? I didn't get enough scholarships to pay for all of this." He sighed, running his hand through his bright green hair. You reassuringly gave him a tap on the arm.

"You'll do fine too. We've got each others backs, just like you said." You promised to him, fist bumping one another in approval before laughing.


"So, that'll be all of your classes for now. If you join any clubs, let me know and I'll see if I can find it. This is a large campus, even for a guy like me." He joked as the two of you walked out of the college doors and into the setting sunshine. You turned back to look at him, a grateful smile on your face.

"I really appreciate you showing me around. It was very nice of you to do that. I'll be sure to keep in touch with you." You assured, waving around a piece of paper with his number neatly written on it. He smiled and shrugged,

"I've gotta do it if I want to get through college, so I don't need thanks." He held his hand up horizontally to his forehead, blocking the sun out of his eyes, "By the way - if you don't mind me asking - where do you live?"

You looked at him, head cocked to the side.

"Why do you want to know?" You asked, curious as to his intention.

"In case for whatever reason we can't study in the dorm, I'll need to know where you are." He explained simply, erasing the suspicion in your mind with his quick answer. he could've just texted you to ask, but maybe he was accounting for the times that you wouldn't necessarily be on your phone.

"It's on Parnell Ave, about ten minutes out." You replied, pointing the left of the campus in the direction that your building was located. He nodded understandingly in response.

"Got it. I'll see you tomorrow in psych." He said, earning your attention.

"Wait. You have-"

"Yep. We're in the same class, but that's all I've got with you. At least we'll have one subject to cram for together." He joked, throwing up a pair of peace signs towards you.

"Peace out. Have a good night!" He yelled, dropping his hands and walking back into campus.

You waved back, exiting the campus grounds to call another taxi.

Unbeknownst to you, Jack pulled out his cell phone that hadn't stop vibrating for the past hour and a half. He answered it, concerned for the other person on the line.

"Hello?... Dude, are you okay?... It's okay. Just breathe. So far, everything is going great. She'll be studying with me for most of the time, but she'll have to come back eventually... Calm down. Just keep it under control at night, okay? I'll try to keep her attention as much as I can. Hope you're feeling better tomorrow buddy. Night."

He pulled his phone away from his ear and pressed the end call button, ignoring the new vibrations he felt coming from the device as he put it in his pocket. He walked back towards the dorms, waving at the unsure students that he walked past, making them smile.

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