First Week

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Everyone sighed in relief as the woman went back to sleep, now it would be easier for China to take her home. Oh yes he quite liked the thought of taking his Xióngmāo home. China was in pure Bliss as he watched her sleep deeply. Japan glared at France ''This is what I was trying to do before'' he said with grudge while France laughed it off.

"Before you're all dismissed, I have made a rule when Y/N is a guest at our places" England stated with a serious voice. Everyone looked at England, interested in what he were gonna say.

''There will be no sexual intercourse however this can be disregarded if she consents and if I get word about it not being consensual then I hope you're praying for your lives, got it?'' Everyone nodded in acknowledgement. ''Then I dare say this meeting is concluded, China you're free to take Y/N home but after one weeks it's my turn so I expect to see her after your turns up'' England warned China.

Everyone left the room, leaving China and Y/N all alone. She still had Russia's scarf wrapped around her neck, she probably didn't notice while she was awake because of the shock.

He tied the scarf around her neck into a neat bow so he wouldn't stumble when carrying her body to the private airplane. He gently picked her up and walked out of the conference room and out of the buildings exit. It was understandable that she lost her way in the confusing hallways, though everyone knew about C/N's direction struggle. China had to admit that England was a clever bastard.

China walked into the private airplane with you in his arms all snuggly and cozy, he smiled and gave you a kiss on the forehead. China sat on the build in couch with her asleep on his lap, he blushed as he stroked her hair. The plane was lifting off sealing the woman's fate.

-------- *plane has safely landed* ----------

I could hear loud rumbling and feel small quakes, I opened up my eyes in panic and saw China's neck and jaw. I quickly moved away from China's lap and glared at him demanding answers.

"Aiyah! Y/N you're awake,aru!" He looked disappointed as he said that, I moved further away.

"My dear Dà xióngmāo, no need to be afraid it's just us two now, aru." he moved closer to me and I put up my hands in defense, not wanting him to get any closer.

''Please stay away Yao, I haven't forgotten the wok pan chase just yet'' I seethed out, China pouted but obeyed and stopped moving closer. ''I'm sorry Qīn, I promise it won't happen again'' he said as he moved his hand with his pinky out towards me. I slowly interlocked our pinkies together in a promise, a promise I bet he wouldn't keep if i tried to escape.

''Have you calmed down now, aru?'' he inquired, making me agitated and scowl ''would you be calm if you were knocked out and kidnapped to who knows where?'' I challenged him to oppose me.

''I can see why you're mad but Y/N, this was the only way for you to join my country'' he said, his words annoyed me to no end. I didn't want to join any country! No less than 8 countries! This was insane, they can't just take me and force me to join them that's absurd! ''I'm not gonna join your country or anyone else's!'' I shouted out.

''Ài, you will be mine, if it takes time then so be it now, let's go home'' he demanded while taking my wrist with an iron fist. I tried to pull back my hand put China wouldn't let me, at this point my wrist would get a bruise. ''Fine! I'll follow you, just let go of my wrist!'' I grumbled angry. He let go of my wrist but he linked our hands together instead.

''Now, let's go back home, aru!'' he said gleefully and led me out of the expensive looking airplane.

We arrived at China's place and it looked spacious and cozy but looks can be deceiving. At the entrance of the house, a man with a red duangua looking clothing stood in the opening of the slider door. After we got closer I could see his face more clearly and boy could his eyebrows rival England's.

Yandere! hetalia x Nation! Reader Part 2Where stories live. Discover now