Sixth Week

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As I predicted Italy came earlier than expected and tackled me into a hug when he saw me, Japan rolled his eyes clearly not liking how close Italy got to me.

Italy clinged to my sides at all times during the trip to his country, he forcefully asked if he could rest his head on my head and if I rejected him, he would start to bawl and cry. He knew I hated when people started to cry, not because it was messy or disgusting but how much it hurt me to see anyone cry in general.

People would see Italy as a sweet and innocent person, you could call him that but he had a darker side of him that I had rarely seen, that's probably why I just brushed it off when he used his manipulation tricks on me in the past.

In the end I let him rest his head on my chest, he also wrapped his hands around me as he fell asleep. He mumbled in his sleep but it was all Italian so I couldn't understand what he said, his grip getting tighter.

When we arrived to Italy's house in Rome, Italy was still clinging close to me not letting go of my arm. The outside of the house was beautiful, it had hedges formed as animals and a pretty big fountain near the house's front door.

"Do you a-like it mia amore?" Italy asked me blissfully while still having a tight grip on my arm.

"Ah, yes I do Feli" I replied cracking him a tired smile, his honey glazed brown eyes were looking into mine with happiness and I heard a gleefully veee~

We went inside house and it was even more impressive than the hedges and the fountain, the stairs was littered with Italian woodcrafts and carvings and the floor was expensive looking Italian marble with golden streaks on on them that shined if it was hit by any kind of light.

"Y/N!? Is that you? Oh my, come here you!" I heard a familiar voice as I got dragged out of Italy's hold and into a chest, I looked up and stared into a brunette with forest green eyes as I dropped my baggage on the floor.

"Antonio! I didn't know you were visiting?" I said with shock as I embraced him in a hug.

"He's only here for a business trip.." I heard the familiar voice of Romano say, I stopped hugging Spain and looked behind me seeing Romano standing beside his brother that had a forced smile on his face.

"Lovi, it's so good to see you again!" I said thrilled as I trotted over to him and gave him a quick hug.

"D-dont call me that! How many times do I need to tell you!?" he huffed out in annoyance while blushing, I couldn't stop myself from chuckling.

"I'll stop when you stop being cute" I giggled as I ruffled his brown hair making it messy, Spain hid a chuckle behind me but Romano saw it and pushed my hand away, Italy kept his forced smile but you could feel his frustration.

"Tch... anyway, I heard from my fratello that you're here to join our country?" Romano questioned still blushing.

"No way! Really!? You're Joining Italy!?" Spain's voice could be heard behind me, before I could answer two arms embraced me from behind and I hit Spain's chest.

"You're practically joining me too then! Excelente" he loudly spoke in my ear and put his head on my shoulder.

"It's not final..." I asserted as I stared daggers at Italy while removing Spain's head off my shoulder by pushing it away gently, Romano was to busy being annoyed at Spain to notice my glare at his brother.

"We are totally going to group pressure you into joining us, like dumb teenagers" Spain chuckled out and ruffled my hair.

"She's a- joining only northern Italy, isn't that a-right la mia bellissima farfalla?" Italy suddenly piped up, his face was not the happy go lucky expression he usually wears but now was a frown with underlying anger in it.

Yandere! hetalia x Nation! Reader Part 2Where stories live. Discover now