Fifth Week

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It had been a day over a week and France had kept me close to him at all costs, he even ignored most of his harem. This was getting quite annoying, France following me everywhere even Al showing up didn't chase him away one bit, France only got clingier when Al was nearby.

When we were alone in France's private library I struck up a conversation to try to convince him to stop this horseplay.

"Can you stop being such a connard and just send me to Japan before Kiku gets seriously angry" I fumed but France shook his head "Can't do that Mon amour" he replied with an annoying smile. "Why not!? Keeping me here won't make me join your harem" I calmly concluded to him, the look he gave me wasn't angry but heartbroken "I don't want you in my harem!" He shouted at me and I froze out of pure shock, I didn't know what to say.

"I-uh why are you keeping me here then?" I asked with slight fear of what he would say, he moved closer to me with calm strides "I don't want you in my harem... I want you in my heart.. I realized how much I love you and I can't just let you go! Not when I have found my true feelings!" he embraced me with a tight hug, not letting go anytime soon.

"You do realize I don't feel the same?" I sneered back looking up at him and his blue eyes looked into mine and his mouth turned into a sad smile "Oui, I do... but you need more time to realize your feelings for me.." he whispered into my ear as he nibbled on my earlobe. I tried to push him away but he had his hands around my waist and back. "F-Francis! I don't need time! I don't love you simple as that!" I seethed but France didn't let go of me and pushed my head to his chest "Shhhh.. soon enough you will" he began to sniff my hair "Just like a rose...." He breathed out.

Before I could retort to the connard a Butler suddenly slammed the door open, me and France looked towards the commotion and before we could say anything the butler blurted out "There's an intruder! I believe he was Japanese and was wielding a katana" his breath was ragged and he had some minor cuts.

"He also brought a dog with him..." he wheezed out and fainted on the spot, I couldn't believe what I just witnessed "I told you Kiku would be pissed off!" I grumbled and successfully escaped France's grasp, I ran towards the hurt man and started to rip off some of his clothing to use as a wrapping to stop the bleeding, even if it was minor cuts he had a decent amount on him.

"Mon amour! You need to hide, I'll tend to him so just hide! Hide anywhere please!" He pleaded and I just looked at him and shook my head no and continued to tend to the man.

"Why do you have to be so stubborn and kind..." he mumbled and forcefully picked me up bridal style "W-what are y-you doing!?" I stuttered out and he just gave me a nervous smile. He ran towards his bedroom and I could hear distant barks and woofs getting closer. France forced me inside his bedroom and slammed the door shut, I could hear a click from the door and I tried to open it but it was locked shut.

I sighed deeply, what the fuck is going on... maybe I can escape with all the commotion going on? That's the most brilliant idea I've had for the week. I opened the window doors and looked down, it wasn't that high but not safe enough to jump out of. I scanned the room for something I could use for a rope, France's bed sheets were very thin and probably not long enough to get to the ground. I looked out the window again and on the wall I saw thick and sturdy vines growing on them, it's now or never I guess.

I climbed out of the window and grasped the vines with both of my arms and legs, thank God I'm not wearing a dress this time only a shirt and some shorts, it would be highly uncomfortable with a dress. Since Japan was wreaking havoc in the palace no butlers or maids was there to have a close eye on me.

I slid down the vines to the safety of the ground, my shirt had been ripped to shreds so I couldn't really wear it like a normal shirt anymore. I took off the remaining of my shirt and wrapped it around my chest so it wouldn't be as exposed anymore, in exchange my stomach, shoulders and most of my back was now showing for all to see but it better than it being my chest. Gotta sacrifice to escape right?

Yandere! hetalia x Nation! Reader Part 2Where stories live. Discover now