Shit (Lauren's POV )

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"Whadda ya think,  Laur?" I hear Jared say.

'Ugh I fucking hate that nickname' I think first.  And then I think 'Wait, what do I think of what?'

"Yeah, sounds great." I say, hoping he didn't suggest murdering anyone or a threesome or sex with animals or eating live spiders.

"Okay, lets go over and ask them." he answered.


"Ask who what?" I ask, hoping I sound cute-dumb and not like someone hit me on the head with a brick when I was born.

"Danielle and Jay, for the weed for the party..?" he answers, an eyebrow arched in that superior-dick looking way that he did. I fucking hate that look.

Then I realize what I agreed to.

Shit. 2.0.

See, Jared was slightly famous for throwing crazy parties with the help of Danielle and her stoner friends' drug connections.

Danielle and her best friend, Jay, were from the City and went to our private school because they won the regional boxing championships for their weight divisions and got a scholarship. Don't ask how I know that.

...okay..Fine. I might have internet stalked Danielle.  Don't judge.

Anyway, Jared paid them hundreds of his daddy's money to get drugs, booze, and dj equipment and they threw crazy, wild, sexy parties together.

And I had presumably agreed to assist in the throwing of one of these parties. Which meant interacting with Danielle.

Shit. 3.0.

Jared grabbed my hand and we walked to Danielle's table.  The song Bang Bang was playing and Danielle was lip sinking the rap and tapping to the beat.


I felt a ball rise in my throat and tried to swallow it down.

We reached the table and Jared tapped Danielle's shoulder.

"Hey Jared. Laur," she said. "Sup?"

God, I loved that nickname.

"Sup, Dani." Jared answered, giving Danielle a handshake.

"Hi." I murmured nervously.  Damn I hate myself..

She smirked and arched her eyebrow.

'God, that was sexy as all hell' I thought. Then mentally kicked myself for being so...lesbian.

"We're throwing a party, bitches." Jared said, smirking.

Danielle and Jay's faces lit up like Christmas lights.

Shit. 4.0.

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