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Bruce has joined the chat.

Bruce has added Tony.

Bruce: Do you know whats up with Y/N?

Tony: No

Tony: Why are they in trouble

Bruce: They're curled up on the couch, staring at their phone

Bruce: They look shocked.

Y/N joined the chat.

Y/N: yes im in shook look i have a blanket

Bruce: Y/N are you alright?

Y/N: Idk

Y/N: My favorite writer ended her book

Tony: and that's a bad thing?

Y/N: No its just suprising

Y/N: just i like vxlkyries and all their works are amazing

Y/N: im just suprised it ended you know?

Bruce: gotcha

Bruce: Well all good things must come to a end, you know?

Bruce: Besides, its their choice

Y/N: I know and i respect that

Y/N: Just let me be in shock

Tony: Fine just be in shock elsewhere

Tony: movie nights tonight and i dont want your shocked face distracting me from die hard

Y/N: Offensed

Bruce: No one agreed to die hard tony

Bruce: We're watching (favorite movie)

Tony: ...fine

Tony left the chat.

Bruce: You sure you're okay?

Y/N: Yeah, I'm good

Y/N: I'll enjoy (favorite movie) tonight with yall

Y/N: Besides i can always reread it

Y/N: or their other fics

Bruce: Exactly.

Bruce: Now will you help make popcorn?

Y/N: Heck yes

Y/N has left the chat

Bruce has left the chat

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