Party - Loki

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Y/N has created a chat.

Y/N has added Wanda, Nat, Thor.



Nat: Y/n, I love you, but texting "HELP ME" in the middle of a mission Kinda makes me Freak Out.

Thor: What do you need, Lady/Sir/Mx Y/N?

Y/N: you see, loki texted me that

Y/N: sorry hydra agent. He texted me that the villains are having a party and that I was invited as his plus one.

Nat: You need to stop scaring me like that

Nat: And dormonmu asked me. I pepper sprayed my phone

Wanda: Ugh, the same one Ultron invited me to? For the last time I'm with Vision!

Nat: You finally told him?!?

Thor: Tell us everything!

Y/N: Wanda ily and I'm proud of you and vis but my problem 1st please??

Wanda: Yeah, so you were invited to a villain party.

Y/N: Yes.

Thor: By my brother.

Y/N: Yes.

Nat: The guy you've had a crush on since he joined the team?

Y/N: Yes...not since he joined the team Nat!

Wanda: Did he specifically say date or as friends?

Y/N: He just asked me to go with, not necessarily asking me out

Y/N: I told him I was in the middle of a mission and I'll tell him when I get back.

Wanda: At least he didn't text you in the middle of dinner and make you lose your appetite..

Thor: So on one hand you get to go to a party with the love of your life

Nat: But on the other hand there's a bunch of bad guys there.

Wanda: Y'all, text and walk to the quinjet, I'm there and Tony said y'all don't have all day.

Nat: Coming Mom. And tell him I'll tell Pepper if he leaves me here.

Wanda: He said yes mam.

Y/N: Wouldn't go that far Thor, but yes, that's my dilemma.

Y/N: I also don't want to be in a position where I feel stuck in the friend zone.

Y/N: Uggggggggh being in love suckkkksssss.

Wanda: Well I say go enjoy the party! Worst case-scenario we come pick you up and have a fun night.

Y/N: The three of us or the four?

Wanda: Of course we're including Thor, an member of our club of badasses.

Nat: He's the god of lesbians and thunder. He's definitely allowed.

Thor: True. Me and Carol have coffee on Tuesday.

Nat: Tell her I say hi.

Nat: And I wouldn't go. A bunch of bad guys and the friend zone..ugh.

Nat: But at the same time I want you to go have fun.

Nat: But you can have fun with us.

Nat: The dilemma.

Wanda: If you go tell Ultron he can get a virus

Y/N: I'll add him on another chat and tell him now.

Wanda: I love you. Thank you.

Thor: Well you should go, Loki likes you, you like him, go have fun.

Y/N: Wait what was the first part of that

Y/N: he likes me?

Y/N: omg he likes me back

Wanda: You might have broke Y/n....


Y/N has been disconnected.

Nat: Are they okay?

Thor: Yeah me and y/n were at the quinjet

Thor: Should I tell my brother or..

Thor: Nvm, he just texted me on what flowers to ask y/n out with

Thor: Now he's texting chocolates

Thor: Nat I think my phones about to crash

Nat: ...I'm here let's go

Wanda: Cmon let's wake y/n up so they can tell off Ultron for me

Thor has left the chat.

Nat has left the chat.

Wanda has left the chat.

AN: Sorry for the break! My school WiFi (where I've been writing these) is awful and I didn't get a chance at home.
Also, can you do me a favor and not post endgame spoilers? I haven't seen it and probably won't for a couple weeks and other people haven't either. Thanks!

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