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A QUIRK ASSESSMENT TEST SHOULD HAVE BEEN EXPECTED. After months of living with Shota Aizawa, she should have known that he would pull something like this. Her uncle was full of surprises.

She changed quickly, mostly because she wished to avoid conversation that would undoubtedly begin inside the changing room. She stayed in the corner, gaze fixed on the wall. One of the girls, resembling an alien with her pale pink skin and raccoon-like eyes, turned to speak to her, but she was already out the door.

Soon everyone was gathered outside, and Aizawa told them exactly why they were all standing around in confusion.

A Quirk assessment test, she thought to herself, how wonderful. It's not like we showed our Quirks in a dangerous exam, or anything. She heard the other students grumble to themselves, no doubt thinking similar thoughts. Shrubbery, oh he made it in, good for him, looked especially terrified as Aizawa rattled off the different tests they would be taking.

Soft-ball throw. Standing long jump. Fifty-meter dash. Grip strength. Side-to-side steps. And a few others that she couldn't be bothered to remember.

"Japan still prohibits the use of Quirks when you take these tests in middle school. It doesn't make sense." Her uncle locked eyes with her, as if remembering that this type of law was exactly the reason that she was even there. Then his gaze moved to just behind her, on her left. "Bakugo. How far could you throw a soft-ball without using your Quirk?"

It was Cauliflower's voice that responded, "Sixty-seven meters." Oh. She had wondered if she knew his actual name, and now that Aizawa mentioned it, she distinctly remembered the blonde yelling "My name is Katsuki Bakugo, and don't you forget it" followed by "you little runt", which made her mentally chuckle because she'd heard much, much worse directed towards her.

The blonde bumped her shoulder as he walked forward, purposely she thought, but her attention was still on the sleep-deprived man that was her uncle. Aizawa tossed a soft-ball to the boy and told him to use his Quirk.

Bakugo stretched, red eyes meeting her dull green gaze, before his lips curled into a sneer and he threw the ball, an enraged "Die!" joining the explosion that sprang forth from his palm.

She did not watch the ball disappear into the air, nor did she notice the smug look on Bakugo's face that was probably meant for her to see.

No, her focus was solely on the flames that were already fading away.

They were mesmerizing. Gold, red, orange, all blended together to create a blossom of color that she had never seen before. Embers drifted to the ground, glittering as they died in the dust. She almost let herself think I want to see that again and again, but then she remembered that becoming a pyromaniac would not help her case at all. If anything, it would get her booted back to America faster than she could blink.

She dragged her gaze away from the now empty air and back to her uncle, who had been speaking when she wasn't listening, and she only heard the last word of his sentence.


She scored five-point-two seconds on the fifty meter dash. There was no way to use her Quirk that would be helpful, so she just sprinted as fast as she could. It seemed that the red-haired boy she was running against had the same dilemma. He crossed the line mere milliseconds after her.

"Hey, not bad!" he exclaimed, giving her a thumbs up. She blinked and gave him a nod.

The grip strength test was one that she actually could use her Quirk for. She created a shield and willed it to fit her palm and fingers like half of a glove. When she tightened her hold on the dynamometer, she pushed her shield with as much force as she could muster. One hundred kilograms was her score, though she had absolutely no idea what that meant. Though, compared to Shrubbery's score of fifty-six kilograms, she decided that her Quirk had helped her immensely.

For the standing long jump, she formed shields on the undersides of her shoes. When it was time, she pushed off, using the shields to launch herself forward. Her heels almost hit the sand, but she managed to lean just enough to be safely over the line.

She didn't do very well in the side steps, but at that point she didn't care too much. She was doing well enough overall.

The soft-ball throw was easy. She merely threw the ball, then encased it in a shield while it was still in the air and forced it to shoot farther, higher, until her arm began hurt from the strain and she let it drop.

Five hundred and six-point-five meters. Not bad.

As she walked back to her place in the crowd, she felt the burning sensation of someone watching her. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Bakugo scowling in her direction. No, not just in her direction, but at her specifically. She raised an eyebrow, causing his scowl to deepen, before returning to her usual state of not caring.

She did wonder what his problem was, however that thought was brief and disappeared as soon as she saw Kaminari giving her a double thumbs up.

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