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TRAINING WAS MUCH MORE INTENSE THAN SHE THOUGHT IT WOULD BE. She wiped the sweat from her forehead, taking a moment to drink from her bottle of water. Shouts and thuds surrounded her, smoke -- courtesy of a certain boy -- floating lazily in the air. The others were still practicing, Kaminari having just switched out with her to fight Kirishima, electricity against rock. In a moment she would have to take his place with Ashido, who had remarkable reflexes, she'd come to find. They'd been going at it for quite a few hours, and soon they would pack up and head to dinner.

The first afternoon of their precious two weeks was spent organizing a schedule, deciding which days would focus on strengthening Quirks and which would center around combat, and a few warm ups. It was boring, honestly, and she just wanted the actual work to start.

School was almost a hindrance the next day. She could barely stand how slow time seemed to crawl, as if the universe wanted her to suffer the boredom of knowing something exciting was going to happen, but she couldn't make that something happen sooner. The hours crept slower than a snail, filled with pencil tapping and glances at clocks and quiet sighs. When the final bell rang, she practically flew out of her seat, stopping by Aizawa's office to say goodbye.

Her friends were waiting for her outside, with one extra person that Kaminari introduced as Hibiki Himura. She was tall, about Yaoyorozu's height, with dark gray hair that seemed to float around her head, contained to a poofy ponytail. In fact, the girl looked very much like Yaoyorozu, except for the violet eyes and olive skin. Himura gave her a rather cheery hello, before grabbing Kaminari's arm and dragging him off in the direction of the gym, the others eagerly following, leaving just her and Bakugo trailing behind in comfortable silence.

The gym had an indoor training ground made specifically for Quirk training, an official license and permit hanging proudly on the wall. The owners gave her and Bakugo a warm welcome after everyone signed in, recognizing them from the months before the entrance exams. He grunted a "hi" in response, and she offered a small smile and a wave.

They split off into groups of two, switching out a few times due to the uneven number of people. And so began the two weeks of training.

Ashido dodged the disc-shaped shield, sliding past on tracks of acid. The pink girl was fast, a fact that had become almost painfully obvious throughout training. Fast, but not very strong. She smirked, sticking out her tongue before racing past the next disc.

Kendria watched Ashido, green eyes narrowed and hands held out on either side of her, ready to make a shield at any time. She could have just made a bubble around herself, wait for Ashido to wear herself out, but she wanted a challenge. Wanted, as in Bakugo told her that she would never grow stronger if she only used the same trick over and over and only focused on defense, which she personally saw no problem with. But of course she wasn't about to prove him right, so here she was. Waiting for the right moment, waiting for a slip up ...

Her opponent raised her hand, preparing to throw the globule of acid.


Blue formed around Ashido's hand, yanking her out of her momentum and into the air. The girl screamed, arms and legs flailing about until a bubble appeared around her, lowering her gently to the ground. She rushed over, checking to make sure Ashido hadn't hit her head, which had happened a few times with Sero and Kirishima.

"I'm fine! I am a-okay!" The pink girl gave her a thumbs up and a smile, though it was a little wobbly. "That felt really weird." Sighing in relief, Kendria helped her up. "Can you do that again?" She bounced, a pleading look washing away whatever dizziness the brief flight had given her, black eyes wide. Her constant excitement had been a handful at first, but by now Kendria was getting used to it. For the most part.

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