real life

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"i don't want to leave," i whined, flopping down onto zach's bed. i had spent most of my day packing all my stuff and clothes that i didn't need.

"then don't," zach shrugged, barely looking up from his phone. i looked at zach like he was crazy.

"zach, i'm barely 16, and that's just crazy," i say.

"no it's not. saige, we've been together for almost a year. and, it's like you already live here, with the amount of time you spend here, versus the amount of time you spend at your families, you probably spend double the time you have here. and all the guys, and girls, love you so much and you're apart of the family. gabby's only 17, and she lives on her own, so it'd be fine if you lived here." zach actually had a point, and it made since. i looked at zach, and thought.

"i guess you're right," i muttered, "i could talk to carol." zach looks at me with a smile on his face, and reaches for me and pulls me into a hug type thing.

"i'm gonna call carol right now, and you're gonna help me. carol loves you, it's unfair," i say, reaching for my phone and grabbing it.

"hey carol," i say when she picks up the phone, "i'm with zach, we have a question." i say, zach looks at me, a wide smile on his face.

"hey guys," she says, "what's your question."

i look at zach, "well, i was talking to zach, and everyone else, and they think i should move in," i squeeze zach's hand nervously.

"oh saige," carol chuckles, "how did i know you were going to ask this."

"oh i don't know," i joke with her.

"well i talked to greg about this, and we aren't sure if it's a good or a bad idea," carol said.

i looked at zach nervously. "why not," i asked.

"well, you guys are still so young, i do not want any little saige, or zach's running around. also it's a house full of teens, that doesn't seem the safest. and, what are you going to do while zach is on tour?" she said. i thought for a couple seconds, understanding where she was coming from.

"i can just come home while he's away, or stay at the house with the girls. or i could go with him. can we just see how it goes?" i beg, "please." i really wanted carol to let me move here, or at least stay with zach longer.

"i don't know, saige," carol sighed on the other line, "you can stay there for a little longer, i guess. but i have to talk to greg about you moving there. it seems like a lot at such a young age honey." a wide grin appeared on my face when she said that, and i looked at zach to see a wide smile on his aswell.

"thank you so so so much carol! i'll see you soon, love you," i say, super fast and excited. carol says her good byes, and we hang up.

i look at zach with a wide smile on my face, and we lean in and kiss eachother.

"i can't wait to spend more time with you," he says, i nod, and lay down onto his chest, thinking about how great my life is.

563 words
i'm babysitting my grandmas bird🐦🐦
the last chapter is probably gonna be posted tomorrow or sunday🤯🤯
umm wtf^^
love you all

(completed) While You're Away • zach herronWhere stories live. Discover now