Chapter 5

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I came up to my dorm once reality set in that Jose wasn't interested in me. Georgy could tell by the look on my face that things took a hard left, and knew to probe me for details once I was in a better mood. The question was, would I be in a better mood anytime soon?

Nope. I went to class the following day and sat at the very front of the like I started to once my math professor decided to change our classroom layout from a circle to desks lined up in a row. He did this because he thought Ricky and Deion were too distracting and were the source of our class's sub-par grade point average.

It may have worked. The class average went up from a D to a B before the end of the month while Ricky and Deion sat in the back and goofed off to themselves. Ironically enough, neither one of them saw how gay that could come across, but I digress. I sat in the very front of the class, on the row where no one, not even the nerdiest of nerds sat. I did this mainly because it meant extra space, and I wouldn't have to see dumbass one or two at all.

Which brings me back to my original point. I went to class the following day, and guess who sat on either side of me in the first row? Yep, Ricky and Deion.

"Hey, sis!" Ricky continued to be condescending with his stereotypical remark while Deion giggled like a school girl with a crush.

I wasn't in the mood for the bullshit, "Now y'all's dumbasses know it's too late to pass this class, even if you do sit up front."

"I have a C+ nigga, so whatchu talking about?" Deion replied.

I rolled my eyes. I had trouble believing that, but I still had a response to him, "I guess the only D you want is Ricky's anyway, huh?"

I felt myself being yanked from my chair by the back of my neck and thrown to the ground. Ricky was fuming as he leaped from his seat, knocking it down in the process.

"He ain't worth it, Rick," Deion reassured Ricky, trying to calm him down.

"What the hell is going on in here?!" Our professor shouted. Usually, he's here before everyone else, but he would pick today to show up late.

"Mr. Lean-For-Brains over here attacked me. Lord knows he can't use his words," I dusted myself off as I stood up to face Ricky.

He towered over me, he was stronger than I was, but I was over it. Or maybe I was just hurt from last night still. Or, perhaps I was just being stupid right now. It's possible that it was all of the above.

"Maybe if this fa-"

Deion coughed once he saw the professor's eyebrow raised. If Ricky's shadow hadn't been there to cut him off, he could've been marked for hate speech and his useless ass could've been booted out of here and stopped being a waste of space and good air.

"Mr. Robinson, I don't remember you sitting up front before. Hell, I don't ever recall seeing you sit in the middle rows. So why come up to the front if not to harass Mr. Baxter?"

Ricky scoffed, "Of course you would take his side," he continued to fume deflecting the question.

"And what about you, Mr. Hillard?"

"What? You think it's wrong for two students to finally want to buckle down and get serious about their education?"

The professor looked at Deion blankly before he laughed, "You're more of a wise-ass than you let on, Mr. Hillard. Maybe if you kept better company, or at least rubbed off on the ones you already keep around, you'd be a good influence."

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Deion responded as if he were offended. Just like that, he grabbed his things and moved to the back of the classroom.

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