Chapter 22

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A week had passed since everything went down last week. An unfocused Kynsey laid back in bed as she pondered how to proceed with her pregnancy. Then she received a knock on her door.

She opened it to see Jose standing there, already looking disinterested.

"Well, it's about damn time!" Kynsey snapped.

"Doesn't feel so good getting a taste of your own medicine, does it?"

"I've needed to speak to you all week, and you just decide to get back to me now?"

"Because we have to do everything on your time table, right? It's always about you, Kynsey! Your wants, your needs, but never considering what anyone else wants!"

"I already told you time and time again what all this was. Don't get mad at me for falling in love! I told your ass to bounce if it got too real because those feelings weren't going to be reciprocated! They never were!"

"Of course not. You don't know how to love any-damn-body."

Kynsey took that comment to heart. It was the first time she was visibly hurt for more than a moment. Jose knew but continued to lash out anyway, "You know, I really thought I saw something in you. Something recognizable and relatable, but you know what? That was me getting in my own way like I always do."

"You know what? Fuck this, I don't have to stand here and listen to your ass come for me! As if you're some saint! All you are is a depressed ass nigga with a black hole for a heart! You want to call me incapable of love? You think some weak ass generic dates and half-hearted attempts at intimacy make for a good boyfriend?"

Jose took a few steps back himself as if Kynsey had just physically assaulted him.

"Yeah, that's what I thought! It's like you Google 'how to be a good boyfriend' and reenact what you read. You don't know shit about people, Jose. You're like a fucking robot."

"Fuck you, Kynsey. No wonder Ricky was cheating on you."

"And yet you volunteered to be my side dick from the jump. You came running back here after winter break. Like you said, you get in your own way, but whose fault is that?!"

All Jose could do was fume over the hurtful accusations, especially since he knew deep down that they were how they felt about himself.

"If you're always self-sabotaging, then stop it! Stop getting in your own way and be a fucking man for once! Own your shit! Live in your truth!"

"I WANT LANDON!" Jose shouted. He almost instantly regretted it.

Kynsey stood there, dumbfounded, "Huh? What the fuck did you just say?"

Jose tried to speak, but he couldn't form any words.

"You want Landon? Want Landon to do what?" Kynsey was one-third in denial, one-third shocked, and one-third genuinely confused.

But her confusion and denial soon subsided when she realized that Jose was no longer looking her in the eyes. She felt sick.

"Oh, my God. You want... you want him. You want to fuck him?"

Kynsey started to hyperventilate as she turned away from him. She regained her composure and turned back around, "You're a FAG?!"

"Shut up!" Jose hissed, "I'm bi-"

"Ricky was right!" Kynsey cut Jose off as she hyperventilated again.

"What the fuck? When did you talk to Ricky?"

"As if you care!" Kynsey yelled, "I can't believe this. I've been used as your beard this whole time?!"

"What the hell are you talking about? You ain't no damn beard, Kynsey. I'm bisexual."

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