Chapter 15

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I was stunned. Last time we saw each other, hell last time I was even THINKING about Malik was 

the end of the fall semester.

"You there?" I heard him ask.

"Yeah, hey."

"I know I'm probably the last person you wanted to hear from."

"No shade, but so much has gone down lately that I haven't really been thinking about you."

"Ouch," Malik laughed, "That's fair. I get it. You've been through a lot."

Understatement of the year. I managed to muster an unenthusiastic laugh and an even less 

enthusiastic, "Yeah."

"And, I'm sorry."

Now I'm confused, "You're sorry? For what?"

"For my part in the blow-up last semester?"

"Unless you guided Jose's dick into Kynsey, I don't see how that's your fault."

"Because Ricky's my brother and I let him get in Jose's face and potentially put you in danger too."

I scoffed, "Ain't nobody scared of Ricky's ass. I would do something about that blonde-haired chihuahua that was humping your leg the whole time, though."


"Tevin," I said in a disgusted manner.

My tone caused Malik to laugh, "A blonde-haired chihuahua, though?"

"He damn sure yaps like one. I'm for real, though, Malik. That nigga seems unstable. Laugh all 

you want, but I know you know it's true."

He must've because there was a long silence on the phone. I almost thought he was gone, "You 

still there?"

"Yeah, Tevin ain't what I called you to talk about, though," Malik said.

"You called to apologize?"

"Naw, well, yeah. But that's not all."

"Well, what else did you want to say?"

"That I missed you and that I couldn't stop thinking about you over the break."

"I'd say that's sweet if I weren't so skeptical. Malik, I had stopped hearing from you way before 

the semester was even over."

"Only because I had gotten myself into some shit that I wasn't going to drag you into. I wasn't 

going to risk something bad happening to you."

"So, what's changed between now and then?"

"For starters? I'm no longer my brother's keeper."

I sat up in my bed, surprised by what I just heard, "Meaning what?" I needed clarification.

"Meaning that I want to start focusing on me and my needs. I can't keep running around after Ricky, hoping that he changes. I have to start putting my wants and needs first. And you're at the top of both of those lists."

"Malik, I..." I was speechless! This was all so unexpected, and I wasn't really quite sure how to proceed, "But your brother has no idea that you're even gay. How is this gonna work? Are you even being comfortable hanging out with me? I'm openly gay, and you'll get the 'gay by association' label fast as fuck for merely even walking next to me."

"I mean, it's true, so..."

We both laughed.

"Besides, I don't give a fuck what random ass people think about me. I do care what you think about me, though. Would you consider giving me a chance?"

"...What did you have in mind?" I asked, finally giving in.

I didn't need to be in his presence to know he was smiling, "Well, what's your schedule like this semester? I'll start planning some things around when you have breaks and shit."

"Okay, I'm gonna send you a screenshot of my schedule. Study it, commit it to memory, recite it in your sleep. Let's see how good you are with working around it."

"I gotchu. I won't let you down."

Our phone convo ended, and I flopped backward onto my bed, giggling like a little school girl. Maybe Malik was the fresh start I never knew I needed. And with Jose out of my system, this could be the start of something genuine.

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