Chapter 1. Part 2

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 The Sunday that Pablo and Jazmin met, she woke up with the strongest pain she had ever felt. Her stomach, dancing to her African beats, was predicting the disease that would hunt her for the next thirteen years. That night she dreamed that she was falling into a deep, deep hole and as she fell the hole kept growing, swallowing her whole. Once inside the dark, sinister hole, she realized that she was inside the entrails of a disfigured female monster. In there, everything was beautiful, full of flowers, the walls were decorated with the songs and with the most private memories of her childhood. She felt warm everywhere, and the warmth radiated to the monster who released a scream that sounded like the cry of a newborn baby and before she had the chance to examine this strange world, she found herself inside the cervix of the disfigured beast, who was pushing her out. She woke up wet, wet everywhere. She didn't give much thought to this nightmare until she met Pablo when the warm feeling that she felt inside the grotesque creature took over her again.

She saw Pablo for the very first time at Lisa's party. She was twenty-one and had just finished university. Lisa decided to throw one of her big parties to celebrate that they were finally done with classes once and for all.

-Are you bringing the rum? - Lisa asked Jazmin- I tried to find some myself but you know that things are getting harder every day. I went to see Juan, to see if he could sell me some of his leftovers, but he didn't have any. Neither did Rene, there is nothing left in this island Jaz, not even the staples. But since you are a family of six, I know your dad gets some from the monthly food allowance. Can you steal some of it? Just enough for people to believe that the juice is spiked.

-Yeah, I can bring some- Jazmin said- my dad only gets the shitty stuff, though, it's not Havana Club but at least it's strong enough to get people dizzy

-That's perfect sweetie; steal as much as you can, you know you would only be doing your dad a favor. I'll see you at seven at my house then.


Jazmin arrived at Lisa's house early. They decorated the place with some hanging lights here and there, the usual piñata full of condoms and old candy. They had known each other for many years, since they could remember their own existence. Lisa was her best friend, the one that she could confide in when everyone else disappeared into their own worlds. Lisa had been living alone for the past four years. Her mother died of throat cancer and her father was never in the picture. Jazmin often inquired about her other relatives, but Lisa didn't like to talk about them, and her face always became defensive when the topic was mentioned.

-There is no one else sweetie- she said, looking down, before changing the subject to something trivial such as school or the clothes that she found for sale in old Havana.

Lisa's house was old, the walls had become a sort of messy rainbow, with the colors that decorated the house for the last twenty years displayed like an abstract painting. The ceiling was full of leaks and the floor was populated with all sorts of buckets to receive the cries from above. Her furniture was scarce too. Lisa liked to describe herself as a minimalist. She had a mattress on the floor, a fridge, a sink, and exactly two plates and two sets of utensils. But her house was the perfect place for a party because she was the only one that lived alone. Lisa loved to party, she had a strict routine of what made a party lit: alcohol, weed and a piñata.

The party began at 9, the usual friends arrived and the speaker of one of the guests began to shout the lyrics of the latest reggaetón song. Everyone began dancing to the music which was too loud for Jazmin. She suddenly felt sick, the heat and the drinks made her feel weak and tired. She decided to step outside to catch some fresh air, to watch the stars in the beautiful silent night that surrounded the chaos in the house and inside of her heart. She sat on the balcony of Lisa's house which overlooked the entrance. She looked at the stars, gleaming beautifully tonight. She imagined that the stars were eyes looking at her from above. She often imagined herself as a part of a play, a puppet in the hands of a master that was controlling her every move. Suddenly her head turned to the door, and at that same moment, a strong man with vulnerable brown eyes and long curly hair was entering the party. She felt a warmth overtake her as she heard someone inside scream his name

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