21 trust

494 50 36

Plz its request instead of writing cute. Amazing .osm plz write what you feel .then only I can understand what you think of it 

Om takes gauri to lake.....and makes her to sit on the stone.

Gauri was not in mood to talk at all.

O: gauri no need to become upset..plz talk something .....

G : do you trust me right..

Om saw gauris face.

O: I said I trust you gauri.

G: vikram just my friend. I was scared and we said lie infront of his father because he don't know his daughterinlaw and  grandchild died so vikram said me to act as his wife in front of his father that's it. That time you came so he introduced me as his wife. When I adopted rushika she used to ask me where is pappa. When I adopted her she is just 3year old. So shivangi said to her to call Vikram as pappa. So she started calling him as her pappa.when rushi born it continued. He to started calling Vikram as  pappa.  and I am staying in different house not in Vikram house. In Vikram house shivangis mother is staying. and Vikram is my boss and close friend to me.I must stay he is my brother because he supported me till today in everything. He protected me from everything..

Om smiles .

O: ok say me water is which color.

G; it is colorless...

Om smiles

O: do you know people says water is blue is because in ocean water is blue because of sky. The only imtligent people know water is colorless. Like   only the people who have good heart  they will  think good gauri. so no need to worry about what society  says.just think what your loved one says..

G; thanks for trusting me..

Gauris mobile starts to ring..

Gauri picks up..

On call

G: hmm thank you. Ok I will send money.tomarrow take care of them.I will come tomorrow to meet them bye..

Gauri cuts the call.

She wipes her tears...

O:whose call .

G: someones who need my help.

O: I did not understood .

G: no need to understand.

O:why you did not said me about rushi. You taught  I should not know about my child gauri .

Gauri smiles .

G: Why you  did  not you think that I am dead or alive ..

O: gauri ..

G: no need to panic. One day everyone will die.its today or tomorrow I don't have any fear for death .

O: but rushi rushika need you ..

G: when rushi custody court given to you. My fear went omkara I know you will always take care of him.and rushika if you did not take care of her then Vikram is there. So I don't had fear. If death comes now also I am ready to welocome it with happiness.

O: what If  I died before you die..

G: you had family .you have people who loves you so much. So god will not take you so soon. Don't worry ...

O: why you are talking about death gauri..

G: Dont know but I feel death is behind me.

O: till I am with you nothing will happen  to you ...

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