The Trio: Maddie, Gino, and Kendall

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I carried my new dance bag over my shoulder. My hair was wrapped in a perfect bun that I had put together on the car ride. Mackenzie and mom were trailing a few steps behind me. They had taken longer because of Kenzie's fit. She didn't want to go to dance today. Like almost always she had no reason for her sudden burst of crying. It was me who should've been crying. I was the one that had to come back through these doors and see him again. I really hated him. What was really just funny about everything though was that just a month ago he had kissed me. It was my first kiss but it wasn't his. At the time I thought it was perfect. The way he gently planted the slightest peck on my lips before I looked away. I had been so shy a month ago, especially around boys...especially around him. I walked past the front desk where nobody was sitting. As usual we had arrived first out of everyone, even Ms. Abby wasn't here yet. I dropped my bag on the floor and rolled my neck back. Just the short walk from the car to the studio had made my tired back ache. I slowly opened the door to the rehearsal room being very quiet. For some reason, although I knew I was alone, it felt like there was someone else there, watching me. I knew it wasn't Kenzie. I would've known if it was her by the sniffling and sobbing. I allowed myself to collapse to the floor gently. Allowing every muscle to stretch out evenly on the soft surface of the ground. I had left the lights off but I could still clearly see myself in the mirror. Shutting my eyes I reached for my toes, stretching my entire body at once. It felt good to create the tension between my aching muscles. It was so quiet I could hear my steady breath as it left my lungs and escaped my mouth. Relieving my body I lowered myself back and lay on the ground parallel to the cieling. I stared up at the top of the cieling. It seemed so far away. I closed my eyes again and lay there, just breathing. In and out and in and out. Slowly I heard the door slide open barely. Assuming it was Mackenzie I stayed on the ground. But it wasn't her.


My eyes shot open at his voice. I let out a large breath and sat up quickly. Regaining my composure I looked up at him.


He said it to me like nothing had happened.


I answered back still sitting.

"Where's Mackenzie and your mom?"

"Oh they're still by the car. And we're the first ones here."

He turned around to put down his bag, "So I guess we're the only ones here."

I hesitated to answer back but then finally said yes. He quickly looked at the mirror to look at me. But then he turned back to his bag. He was looking for something. I watched him from behind. Finally he turned back around. He sat down almost a foot away from me and began to stretch. I did too. I took a quick glance back at him. Since he wasn't looking up and wouldn't have noticed me looking at him I didn't turn away quickly. I stared at him for a while. I was a little afraid that eventually he'd look up from his pose and see me staring but I didn't stop. He never looked up either, so I turned back facing the mirror. It was then that he finally looked up, just as I turned back. It was like he knew I was watching him. Neither of us spoke a word to each other. Just sitting there 12 inches apart in complete silence. You would think it was awkward, but it wasn't. I didn't dare look in the mirror towards him because then I knew we'd make eye contact and maybe that would be awkward. I was beginning to wonder how long we could stretch for. In reality it had probably only been a minute that felt like five hours. 

"Hey, Maddie?"

He broke the peaceful silence. 

"Yeah?" I sounded out of breath because I answered while still stretching.

"I have to ask you something..." he had stopped doing what he was doing and was now sitting upright. I finished my stretch and for the first time, turned around to look at him and this time he would know. He was much closer than it had seemed a few seconds ago. His right hand was only a few inches away from mine. 

The Trio: A Dance Moms Wattpad StoryWhere stories live. Discover now