*|Back in the Past|*

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(A/N) This chapter's just to show what the arguments were about. Buuuuut then it'll go back to normal.


February 2nd 2004 

The newly engaged couple were out at a party with their friends, happy and enjoying themselves. Bucky placed his hand on Steve's shoulder.

"Good goin', punk."

"Hmm? Oh right. Thanks." 

"Steve? Just come over here for a sec. Wanna say something that I never got to before."

"What's up bud?" 

"How's this gonna work? Not many people ya know like this."

"That's because many people I know were frozen too." Steve said, chuckling.

"T-that's true."

"You alright Buck?"

"Y-yea! I'm fine. Happy for you... that's all."

Steve didn't believe Bucky, not one bit, but he didn't want to force it out of him. He honestly had no idea what was going on in Bucky's mind until his lips were locked with his best friend's. Tony came from around the corner, seeing the session, and immediately going to stop it. 

"What- what was that for Buck?!" Steve shouted, shocked as fuck, then proceeding to slap him. "I only want to be friends."

"Steve?" Tony said, "What- why did that happen?" Bucky started walking away.

"I honestly don't fucking know." Steve said, going to hug Tony, but backing off when he moved away.

"Ju-just promise me that it won't happen again."

"Tony, of course. Come here." Steve said, going to hug his fiance again.


September 22nd - 4:00 PM

Tony sat back down on the couch, fuck, he thought.

"You alright Dad?" 

"Huh?" Tony said, looking up at Pete, "Uh, yea. Yea, I'm fine." 

Peter sat down next to his Dad, and hugged him. It was obvious that he was hurting, but didn't want to speak about it. Wade walked over and spoke to the pair.

"Tony, I can go find him if ya want. Go talk to him, kinda my fault, heh."

"Wade it's fine. He's probably gone to Bucky's so I'll go there in the morning." 

"We'll come with you Dad."

"No, can't let you do that Pete. And I won't bring Wade, someone's gotta look after you."

"Dad... Pops probably won't come back unless we all go, we all need to speak to him."

"Yea, Pete's got a point, Tony. We should all go." 

"Fine, but just go get some rest now, especially you Pete, you need it."

"Okay." Peter said, hugging his Dad again. 

"I'll come too, just give me a bit." Wade said, "You go on up Pete. Tony, look at me. We'll get him back." 

"Just don't kill him. Hah." 

"Won't. I'm gonna head up now, don't stay up too late, we're out in the morning!" He said, running up the stairs. 

Wade walked into Peter's room, seeing his boyfriend already asleep on the bed, aww, he thought. He changed into his pyjamas, and hopped into bed, wrapping his arm around Peter in the process. 

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