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15th May

It'd been about a month since the loss. The parent's still aren't fully over it, but they have to get on with life, it can't be something to stop them doing everything else. Peter and Wade returned to school 2 weeks after the birth due to exams coming up, and the fact that they needed to be there to revise. Steve decided to take care of the triplets while they went to school and Tony arranged a school trip for Mid Town High to the tower, which turned out to be Peter's class.

Today was the day that they went on the trip, and to say the least, Peter was not excited. He was expecting his dad to embarrass him all day, and wouldn't be surprised if it happened.

They all boarded the coach, Eddie sat by himself with his earphones in, Ned sat near Betty and Peter sat next to Wade, to no body's surprise.

"Dad's gonna embarrass me..." Peter muttered, leaning into his fiance's shoulder.

"He's ya dad. It's his job, and ours when our kids grow up."

"Heh, yea."


They soon arrived and the young couple tried to stay behind their friends to prevent embarrassment. Flash ran to the front, along with his group of friends .

The group of students all fought for the front. It was Stark Tower, why wouldn't they?

The Tour Guide at the front urged them all to get their day passes, and one by one they all did. They were heading towards the doors that led to the main, and first, part of the tour when Flash called out:

"Hey Ma'am, them two didn't get their passes."

He nodded towards Wade and Peter, who just ducked. The red tint brushed over Peter's face again. It was just like when he'd first met Wade.

"Oh it's fine, Mr Thompson."


"I think they'd rather not say why." She said as she saw Wade signalling her to cut off the conversation.

The crowd flooded into the main room. It was dark, no one could see anything. Only the Tour Guide knew what was going on.

Wade clutched his arm around Peter's waist as a comforting gesture.

The lights flickered back on and everyone gasped. The Avengers were stood before them. Whispers filled the room.

The tour continued, entering every room they could.


By the time lunch came, majority of them were tired, so they all sat in the guest kitchen. The school's bully walked up to the group of nerdy friends who were sat together.

"Heya." He said, " So why didn't you two get these little pass thingys?"

"Nowt Flash." Peter groaned, rolling his eyes.

"Aww come on kiddo."

"Don't call me that. I'd rather not say. That's why I'm not saying." Peter replied, looking over to the corner.

A small scream came from upstairs.

Peter's eyes met Wade's within an instant.

"What the fuck is that?" Flash moaned.

" Nowt!" Peter and Wade simultaneously shouted while they darted to the stairs.

"Should they go there??" Flash questioned, looking towards Eddie who just shrugged.


Peter burst through the door to see Clint trying to calm down the kids. He breathed s sigh of relief and headed over. He reached for his little girl who was in Clint's arms and she instantly calmed down.

"How did I do this with my kids..?" Clint mumbled to himself.

Wade finally caught up to his smaller fiancé and helped to settle little Vanya down back to sleep. They thanked Clint for trying to help.

"It's alright kids. You were busy so yea." He chuckled. He slowly stepped towards the door, only stopping to announce a small "Woah." He was shoved to the side, clinging onto the door frame to stay up.

"Here we go again..." Wade mumbled when noticing who was walking into the room, "What are you doing here?" 

Flash Thompson strolled into the room with his smuggest look ever, "Well what do we have here? Puny Parker stealing Stark's new kids??"

"No Flash."

"Couldn't be satisfied with yours?"

"That's not it."

"Thompson?" A deeper voice sounded behind the bully, "Hey Pete, Wade."

"Mr Rodgers?!? Y-you know them!?!" Flash shouted, astounded.

"Yes." The soldier replied, looking towards his son who nodded, signalling that he could tell Flash. "Peter's my son. Those are my grandchildren."

"Whaa..?" He said, genuinely confused for once.

"So, you found out the kid you've been bullying is Captain America's son. You messed up." Wade stated, imitating Steve who just glared. Peter stood behind laughing a lot.



Again, I'm sooo sorry for the incredibly late update. I've really been stressed with tests, school in general, etc, and I've not really been the happiest, but I'm better now! So, hopefully, a few more chapters. :D

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