'|Losing a Little One|'

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April 17th - 00:23 AM

Screams awoke the young couple, the taller groaning as he sat up in bed and leaned over to pick up his daughter. He stared down in awe, rocking her slowly. Wade looked over to his fiance who was holding their youngest. The third wasn't crying, luckily, so the couple only had to care for the two crying. Peter rocked the boy side to side, making sure to support his head and hold him close. Wade did the same with the little girl. 

"She's hungry, can ya hold her just while I go get milk?" Wade said, slowly handing the girl to Peter.

"Sure." Peter yawned.

The taller teen walked down to the kitchen to grab the triplet's food and take it back up to Peter. He slowly heated it up in the microwave, leaning against the shelf and almost falling asleep, only to wake up when he heard a call from his room.

"Wade!" Peter shouted, worry lacing his voice. The taller boy grabbed the warm bottles and rushed upstairs. When he entered their room, he saw the crying babies laid down in their cots, back asleep and Peter leaning over the third's cot crying. He put the bottles down and went up to hug the younger boy.

"What's up Petey?"

"Get dad, pops, someone. He's not breathing." Peter whimpered, picking up his breathless son, "Please Wade."

Peter's fiance rushed out of the room to get Tony and to bring him to their room. He banged on the door and screamed for them.

"Stark! Rogers!"

"What?" Tony groaned, getting up to open the door.

"One of them's not breathing. Neither of us know what to do." 

Tony pulled open the door and pushed Wade out of the way. He practically ran to Peter's room to see his son sat on the bed, hugging the dying newborn. The older parent ran over to Peter and hugged him, asking what's happening.

"He's not breathing dad. It only sta-started a few minutes ago." Peter choked out through sobs. Dialling the hospital, Tony panted frantically in fear. He knew there was no saving the child, but he wanted to see if there was a slight chance, especially if it would calm down Peter.

A few painful minutes later and the ambulance arrived. Wade had his arms around Peter, as they both sobbed with horror. How could they lose a perfectly healthy baby? Where the other two going to be okay? Their hearts stopped, but Peter could still feel his pumping viciously in his chest. He found it hard to walk as his gelatinous figure was limp against wades arm. The paramedics rushed the child into the ambulance with no hope of saving him. Wade picked Peter up and carried him into the back of the vehicle. They sat down and Peter sobbed again. Even more this time. The paramedics looked over to them in despair, and the two boys knew what they meant.


Peter's heart ripped in two and he fell to the floor. Wade grabbed him and hugged him tightly. Their baby was gone. All Peter wanted to do was sleep, but as he lay awake in bed with his fiance he found it almost impossible to close his eyes for more than as few seconds. Steve and Tony entered his room several times, hoping he would rest. But they didn't get his pain. They'd never lost a child. 

The young couple's hearts were ripped. 

'Stay strong.' Wade thought to himself, trying not to break down beside his sobbing fiance. He held Peter close, comforting him after the traumatic event. The smaller boy was still sobbing and leaning into his fiance. Peter's parents stood near the door, watching the younger parents and trying to stay strong for them. 

"Pete?" Tony mumbled while slowly approaching his son, "Might wanna get some sleep. It's 9 and you've been up for hours."

"Y-yea. O-okay dad." Peter choked between sobs. Wade helped Peter up to get changed and the adults left for a bit to take care of the remaining 2 of the triplets. He grabbed the pyjamas for his fiance and helped him change. Peter thanked him before cuddling up in bed.

The older pair entered again and passed the babies to Peter to try and calm him down. They then tucked him in and placed the babies in the cots. They said goodnight and left. 

"Petey. Don't worry."

"How Wade? We lost him..."

"How about we focus on the ones who survived? Like, name them or something?"

"Y-yea. Any ideas? I kinda like Caleb or Klaus."

"Klaus and Vanya?"

"Yea. S-sure." He managed to say.



Sorry for not posting in ages again. Really not had inspiration :/ I also got distracted by The Umbrella Academy, and ended up naming the kids after them UwU

~ Ellie

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