thirty one

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when mingyu knocks on my door, i practically run to it. i freeze when i'm right about to unlock and i stay silent.

'wonwoo, it's just me mingyu.' i hear him through the door, 'open the door, please.'

despite my mind telling me not to open the door, i do it anyways.

i collapse into his arms, hugging him tightly and just clinging onto him.

'i'm so sorry mingyu, please forgive.'  i whisper against his chest, snuggling my face further once he wraps his arms around me.

'i already forgave you.'

'i don't get why, mingyu. i fucked you over for absolutely no reason. i'm pretty sure i made you cry, made you angry, made you feel worthless.'

i ramble pretty quickly, not allowing him to stop me, not allowing the tears streaming down my face stop me either.

'and i want to say i'm sorry for that, i'm sorry for hurting you. i'm sorry for pushing you away and i'm sorry for that. i'm sorry for everything i've done. and i'm sorry i'm staining your shirt right now.'

i pull away and look up at him. he gives me that cheery smile he always has.

and despite him still being half inside my apartment, half out, he grins and kisses me like he's never kissed me before.

it was as if time stopped, everything was going slow. all i knew in that moment was i was kissing the love of my life.

'gross! get a room!' i hear jeonghan call as he passes our door while jisoo gives us a loud wolf whistle.

i blush and pull mingyu inside my apartment and lock the door behind me.

'i love you, kim mingyu.'

'i love you too jeon wonwoo.'

short chapter again because i canT write in paragraphs

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