forty two

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when the doorbell rang, i looked at myself in the mirror and took a deep breath.

i quickly fixed up my hair before quickly rushing to open the door.

when i finally i open the door, i stand there, starting at mingyu. i was completely breathless.

mingyu looks so good.

that plain shirt did him good, those trousers fit him perfectly.

god spent so much fucking time on him, just carvin out the moulds of his flawless face.

'hello hyung.' he grins and looks at me, causing me to snap out of my quick daydream.

'hi mingyu.' i shyly whisper. he grins even further and wraps his arms around me, pulling me into a warm hug.


'yeah, are you?' i mumble into his neck and lightly kiss it.

he nods and pulls away from the hug, interlocking our fingers together. i step out of my apartment, making sure i have my wallet, phone and keys before closing the door.

mingyu nods at me and i nod back, causing him to walk to the elevator with me two steps behind.

we got into the elevator silently and i turn to look at him.

'are you nervous?' i ask him with a teasing tone in my voice. mingyu told me he rarely gets nervous, not even in his plays.

'me? nervous? psh never.' he blushes bright red and struggled to look into my eyes causing me to giggle.

'are you sure?' i continue on teasing him.

'ugh fine i am nervous.' he pouts and i have to stop myself with automatically hugging and kissing him on the spot.


'because this is my first date.' he whispers quietly after a few seconds of silence.

to be honest, i am baffled.

mingyu, the man with godlike features, has never been on a date before?

'what?' i scoff, 'no way.'

'yes way.' he nods.

'so, you kim mingyu, have never ever been on a date before?' i say seriously before starting to laugh.

he pouts childishly and whines, 'and? just because i haven't been on a date before doesn't mean i'm stupid.'

'oh my! you're so innocent.' i keep on laughing and he pouts some more. i close my eyes and laugh some more.

after a few seconds, mingyu places his hands on my waist. he pushes me against the wall in the elevator and i stop laughing.

'gyu?' i turn my head so i can see him clearly and he has a smirk on his face.

he knows that i'm fucking whipped for him.

'yeah?' he whispers back and slides his hands further up my waist and i shiver at the contact of his cold fingers on my skin.

i stay silent and mingyu pulls me closer to him. he moves silently so his head is beside my neck and i bite my lip, anticipating his next move.

then the elevator door opens and he stands up straight, acting like nothing happened.

'ready?' he smirks and looks at me as he holds my hand and i nod, slightly annoyed nothing happened in that elevator.

he pulls me to his car and very kindly opens the passenger door for me. i thank him and get in the car, he quickly runs around to get in the drivers seat.

'we're going to that barbacue place, that's cool right?' he asks as he starts to drive.

'of course it's fine mingyu, i picked out the place.' i chuckle and looks out my window.

'just making sure.'


it was a quiet ride to the barbacue place mingyu was driving to. not the awkward quiet, but the comforting one.

when we did get there mingyu had told me to stay in the car while he quickly ran out to open the door.

i thanked him with a huge grin and soft peck on his cheek and we began to walk to the entrance of the barbacue restuarant.

'um, reservations for kim mingyu.' mingyu politely spoke to the waitress and she took us to our seats.

she handed us two menus before going to grab sprite for the both of us.

'what do you want to eat?'

'anything with meat.' i reply and mingyu nods, picking something that sounds good.

once she leaves mingyu looks at me and i grin.

'you look amazing.' i mumble and he blushes softly.

'you look way better. especially with your glasses.' he reaches over and grabs my hand, rubbing his thumb over my hand.

'thank you.' i let out a soft chuckle and take a sip of my drink.

within twenty minutes, our food arrives and we both thank the waitress and begin to eat out food.

mingyu offers me a bite of his food and i gladly accept it, chewing in delight.

'you have a little something here.' mingyu points to the corner of my lip and i attempt to wipe whatever it is off my face.

'you missed it silly.' he chuckles and reaches over, wiping my lip and i blush, mumbling a quick thanks.

we go back to eating in silence and i see a perfect opportunity for a photo.

oh my god i've been hanging around minghao too much.

i grab my phone and snap a quick photo of him.

perfect instagram photo.

mingyu frowns up at me and i giggle, going back to eating my food.

we end up chatting quietly once we finish eating. i ask him about the play his been working on, he has the lead role.

i see the excitement flush into his face as he rambles about how the play has been going. he tells me that he already has tickets for minghao, jun, seokmin and i to go and i grin.

'i can't wait.'

he continues talking, not even realising that i have already payed for the food and when he releases he whines.

'okay, i'm treating you for a coffee then.' he pouts as we leave the restaurant and i nod.

'ok babe.'

i really donT want this fic to end ):

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