chapter 9; american

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'you make me crazy,
you make me wild'


The weeks now seemed to surge onwards since you had entered the happiest, highest state of mood you had done in what felt like seemingly forever. Those moments you managed to escape with Arthur from camp for your 'lessons' were the ones you treasured dearly.

Of course you were learning how to use various guns, from rifles to revolvers – but also it meant you had a few hours away from prying eyes to spend with the gunslinger. Compared to the grouch from a few weeks back, the Arthur who had finally let you in was so, so different. It was obvious to see he was just as pleased with his decision to finally give into his feelings as you were.

"You're gettin' almost too good at this." He praised you one day after you'd shot down a bird from the sky, the thing plummeted quickly down to the ground below and landed with a thud a few metres away from you in the grass. Cockily, you leaned the rifle against your shoulder and gave Arthur a coy smirk.

"Watch it cowboy," you teased, aiming the rifle at him. "It might be you next." You whispered, mocking his accent.

Arthur chuckled at your playful mannerism,  approaching you slowly, fingertips pressing the barrel of the gun down to the ground.

"You wouldn't do that, you'd soon regret it." He replied, his voice was low and the tone sent a shameful pang of glee through you. Damn this man, with words that wrapped around you like a silk ribbon – the softest, sultry caress.

"You're right," you said then, a honeyed look in your (eye colour) eyes, "I think I still have my uses for you."

The rifle was then slung carefully over your shoulder by it's strap, as you very gladly closed the space between yourself and Arthur. The moment his hands met your hips gave you that perfect feeling of completion. It was a gesture you found greatly sparked a sense of elation within your stomach; every time he did it. He was so changed now, from the withheld, difficult creature he had been previously.

"D'ya think any of them has figured out about us yet?" he had asked you with a boyish smirk, that framed ever so perfectly on his handsome face. The gesture only succeeded in setting the biggest grin off on your expression.

"I think so... Dutch has, I see the smug look on his face when he sees us leave camp." You responded, followed by a short shrug, "But the others? I think they have their assumptions... but I think they just want us to confirm it."

"Ahhh.... We will do one day, that's for sure." Arthur returned, releasing his hold on you to walk back to the horses. That temporary emptiness filled you, and you rushed to catch up to his side. It was almost embarrassing how much you always wanted to be at his side since the pair of you had agreed to start courting.

You also worried about him endlessly now when he went out on little missions with the boys, you always feared he wouldn't return. It was the most horrid plague of anxiousness you ever had the displeasure of experiencing.

"I'm sure we'll get caught." You blurted to Arthur once you had mounted Boxer to head back up to camp, the big shire less than pleased about having to stop grazing to walk.

"Caught?" Arthur started to laugh in a way that encouraged you to elaborate.

"Yeah – you know," you started, looking over to your left at him. He even rode so coolly, comfortably slouched on Phantom's saddled back – reins in one hand and other arm just relaxed, hanging there.

"Someone's bound to see you grabbing me like you do, or when we kiss each other goodnight-" talking about it even caused the smallest rose blush to creep onto your cheeks. You felt like a stupid young girl with a crush.

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